One of the highest-ranked black belts you have never heard of | The Quinton Sanicola Show No.8

3 months ago

Helio Damiani jr.'s Book

Helio Damiani jr. runs @bjjhouseokinawa in Okinawa, Japan. He is also the highest ranked black belt in Okinawa, Japan (although he wouldn't share that) with over 25 years of experience teaching and many more years of training himself. He has developed a methodology of teaching Jujitsu, which he calls "Flow Jujitsu."

This is a mother of training that quiets the ego and allows you to see the situation of the "fight" or "roll" more clearly. He believes when training, ego is the enemy of progress and the only way to defeat the ago is to bypass the conscious mind and feel the exchange of information with the subconscious mind.

Flow Jujitsu is a safer way to train, causing fewer injuries and faster development. I have personally seen him roll with black belts many times his size and become frustrated with their inability to be the water they need to for the proper exchange of information.

Being a small fighter, Sensei needed a way to level the playing field and give himself every advantage possible. Out of the trial came "Flow Jujitsu."


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- Chapters -
01:00 - Sensei's Take on BJJ
02:10 - 25 Years of Teaching
05:19 - The conclusion of Flow BJJ
16:00 - Power vs. Flow
24:40 - My Dark Knight of the Soul
27:30 - The idea of a True Master
39:38 - The best advantage
45:00 - A warrior in a garden
59:30 - What BJJ needs most
01:09:00 - A smarter way to train
01:24:00 - BJJ Art and why I sculpt

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