Episode 158. Why Vote?

4 months ago

Episode 158. Why Vote?

In this episode of the Forge of Freedom podcast, host Alex Ooley discusses the complexities surrounding the duty to vote, the perceived importance of individual votes, and how to maintain mental health during election season. He critiques the tribalistic nature of political discourse and emphasizes the need for self-reflection and community engagement over national politics. Ooley also shares insights from two articles: one questioning the impact of individual votes and another offering strategies for navigating the stress of election season.


Why Vote? | Mises Institute

How to Get Through an Election Without Losing Your Mind - Intellectual Takeout

Episode 40. Are We Good Enough for Liberty? by Lawrence Reed – The Forge of Freedom

Why Mandatory Voting Would Make Democracy Worse, Not Better

Voting and Politics | Mises Institute

Rothbard on Voting | Mises Institute

On Voting | Mises Institute

When Ignorance Isn't Bliss: How Political Ignorance Threatens Democracy | Cato Institute

Why (Most) Political Ignorance is Rational and Why it Matters: Reply to Jeffrey Friedman | Cato Unbound

When Ignorance Isn't Bliss: How Political Ignorance Threatens Democracy | Libertarianism.org

Ilya Somin, Democracy and political ignorance: why smaller government is smarter | Public Choice

Voting has become a cult of the state, pushing people into tribalism.
The chance of a single vote affecting an election is extremely low.
Voting can be seen as a moral imperative, but this argument is flawed.
Local elections matter more than national ones in terms of individual influence.
Mental health is crucial during election season; consider unplugging from news.
Focus on personal values and community rather than national politics.
Fear tactics are often used by media and politicians to manipulate voters.
Self-improvement and character development can lead to broader societal change.
Engaging in meaningful conversations about candidates can help clarify views.
Your purpose in life extends beyond the political sphere.

voting, election, civic duty, mental health, political discourse, tribalism, local elections, self-improvement, fear tactics, community


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. The views expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organizations or individuals they may mention. The hosts and guests are not liable for any damages that may result from someone listening to this podcast.

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