BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON P211 Parash 002 Noach (Noah) B’resheet 6_9 -11_32 HQ PowerPoint

4 months ago


P211 Parash 002 Noach (Noah) B’resheet 6:9 -11:32

Theme & Message – Man was under grace at this time in the world’s history. The Law Yehovah gives to Moshe (Moses) has not come into this world. After man was kicked out of the Garden we as a people grew further and further away from righteousness. The anger of God burned against His creation. But He finds one man that would find favor in His sight, Noach. The Lord commissions Noach to build an Arc. To this point there had been no rain ever. Noach would have to endure much persecution from his community during the build of this project that Yehovah asked for.

The message that you find in this Torah portion (Parash) is stay close to the way Yehovah wants things done. As a child of Yehovah, He has given you this rule book (Bible) to follow. He has made known what He likes and what He finds repulsive. That is why Messiah stated that He will be coming back when the times are like in the days of Noach ( Mat 24:37-39) The greatest understanding of the flood is that we can learn from the past and the mistakes those people. The people of the earth did not have the Scriptures to be able to reference what Yehovah likes and dislikes. He had put His Spirit in them but they did not listen to there own hearts. That is why we need the Bible because our heart can deceive us.

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