Prophet Julie Green - Your Enemies' Firewall Has Been Breached - Captions

3 months ago

In a heartfelt message, the speaker thanks her son for his production efforts and celebrates her 24th wedding anniversary. Emphasizing the power of God's word, she reads Psalms 126:1-4 and Ephesians 3:20, highlighting themes of miracles and God's ability to exceed expectations. She then transitions into a prophetic word received on October 24, 2024, detailing severe corruption within the U.S. government. The prophecy reveals breached servers exposing crimes, election fraud, financial scandals, and political corruption, promising a divine reset and accountability. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to fix their hearts on God, declaring that enemy plans will fail, and encourages participation in upcoming elections.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 10-28-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Explosive Prophecies and Encouragement for the Modern Believer | October 28, 2024

In this live show from October 28, 2024, the speaker celebrates the 24th wedding anniversary with her husband, Chris, and expresses gratitude for the new studio and her son behind the camera. She shares insights and scriptures for encouragement, including Psalm 126 and Ephesians 3:20, emphasizing that God's plans are beyond human expectations. The speaker also delivers a prophetic word revealing significant political and financial corruption, upcoming exposures, and divine interventions. The message urges believers to have faith and trust that God is working miracles and plans to protect His people amid upcoming challenges. The show concludes with a prayer for viewers, highlighting ongoing prayers for the nation and the world.

00:00 Welcome to the New Studio
00:23 Anniversary Shoutouts and Gratitude
01:05 Scriptural Encouragement: Psalm 126
03:51 God's Miracles and Ephesians 3:20
07:27 Prophetic Word: Enemy's Firewall Breached
09:41 Massive Political Corruption Exposed
13:46 God's Promises and Scriptures of Hope
24:51 Oversight of Nations: Jeremiah 1:10
36:42 God's Power to Reset Nations
37:56 Unraveling Deep Corruption
39:47 Election Integrity and Prophecies
47:24 Exposing Political and Financial Scandals
54:33 Divine Intervention and Encouragement
01:02:32 Prayer and Encouragement



COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org



Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 126:1-4
Eph. 3:20
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 21:11
Isa. 54:15, 17
Isa. 8:10
Est. 4:14
Ps. 20:8
Jer. 1:10, 12
John 6:63
Job 22:28
Ps. 25:20
1 John 4:4
2 Chron. 7:14
Isa. 55:11
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 75:7
Prov. 3:5-6

God is working miracles for you and He will make it known to all nations.

God does exceedingly far beyond what you think or even ask for.

Every lie will be revealed. God will make everything known. He will show the world what your enemies have been hiding in secret.

Your enemies will not be successful against you because you have the Greater One with you.

Emmauel- God is with us.

God is El Elyon- The Most High God. There is nothing bigger than Him.

Marching Order: Rise up full of courage.

God needs to be welcomed and allowed back into the government.

God will perform His Words.

Take refuge and comfort in what God is doing and what He is saying.

God is going to reset an entire government body.

There's nothing too big or too hard for God. Do not limit Him or put Him in a box.

Things will get darker before it gets lighter, but you will not be moved or shaken because your heart will be fixed on God.

Every Christian needs to vote and vote Biblically. No Christian should be sitting out this election.

Nothing your enemies are doing is working. All of their plot, plans and schemes will not work.

Press into God and His Word.

God will always have His Way and the final say.


Good morning everybody. Today is Monday, October 28th of 20 twenty-four and I I know you guys noticed I'm in our new studio. I'm so grateful and thankful. I am no longer my own producer so I want to give a shout out to my son who is behind the camera who is doing this great job. I know you guys will see start seeing different things with the live shows. We're going to be putting up scriptures and things like that when I'll be saying them and so that helps with the live streaming and then also because today as I October 28th is a very special day to my heart because today is my anniversary with my husband. So, happy anniversary Chris. It is twenty-four years today that we got married. So, happy anniversary and I love you and I'll tell you, he is a great husband and I'm very very spoiled and blessed by having him in my life. So, I just want to do a shout out to my son Carter and a shout out to Chris today. So, I'm thankful that you are joining today's live show today because of course, I always give you some encouragement and always give you what the Lord has for me to give to you. And one of the scriptures he has this morning is Psalm one twenty-6 and it's I'm going to read one through four. Psalms one twenty-six one through four and I'll be reading it out of this CEV translation. So this is your scripture for encouragement because what we're seeing right now going on in the Earth it looks so impossible, looks so dark, looks like nothing's going to happen, nothing's change but that's not what the word of God says. So in Psalm 126 in the CEV Translation in verses one through four and it says it seemed like a dream when the Lord brought us back to the city of Zion verse two. We celebrated with laughter and joyful songs. In foreign nations it was said the Lord worked miracles for his people. And we celebrated because the Lord had indeed worked miracles for us. Our Lord we ask you to bless our people again. And let us be like streams in the southern desert. And so what I want to really go to right there in verse two as we celebrate with laughter and joyful songs in foreign nations. It was said the Lord worked miracles for his people. The Lord wants us to know that he is working miracles for us. But he's also going to make it known in foreign nations that God has worked these miracles. God is going to do what he said he was going to do and he is going to deliver us. And when it says in another translation and this is the classic amplified and it says when the Lord brought back the captivities or kept who returned to Zion. We were like those who dreamed it seemed so unreal and so what god is going to do for our nation. What god is doing for his people. It's going to be so unreal. It's like we are in a dream because god doesn't do things on a natural just point of view. God is a supernatural god. That's why I give you different translations and I think the classic amplified or the AMPC in that first Scripture of this Psalm 126 and verse one is so important because it was so awesome and it was so powerful. What god did for his people. It was like they were dreaming. It was so unreal and that's what we should be putting on our hearts is that what god is going to be doing for our nation. What god's been doing around the world is going to be so unreal. It's going to be like a dream because it's so awesome and only god could have done what he is going to do and people are to know that and so another scripture of encouragement because it kind of goes along with what I'm saying here this morning and that's Ephesians three. Ephesians three and verse twenty. Ephesians three and verse twenty. Now, this is I'm going to read this out of the classic amplified edition and this scripture says, now to him who by in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly far over and above all we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, and dreams. So to me, if you put Psalms 126 and verse one and you put Ephesians 320 together, god does exceedingly far beyond whatever we ask or think. It's beyond our expectations because god is an absolute big god, he's bigger than anything that we see and when we think, okay, if god did this, that would be super cool. You know, like people like right now are just like, if god could just save us, in this election. If god could just guarantee he's going to bring back President Trump when we win the election and that's just great. Let's move on. We have to go and not poop god in a box because he does exceedingly above all we could ask or think and it was like those who dreamed. Remember, it was so unreal. So, just one sec, god says, we don't need just elections. He doesn't need an election to bring back and bring back President Trump. He doesn't need an election to save this nation. He's the one who is going to do it. It's going to be like that we were dreaming and it's going to be so unreal. Why? Because Ephesians 320 that god does exceedingly above all we could ask or think. Don't limit god with what you think god can do. Another example of that of of course is the Red Sea. Not one person out of the children of Israel could have dreamed up the Red Sea. They couldn't have thought that up in a million years but it was so un real to god's people as they saw the Red Sea being parted. It was so unreal to them. How awesome and how powerful that god what he was doing for them and it was exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or think. So, these two scriptures, I want you to really get them down in your heart and realize that god is an absolute big god. He told our team many times, when you think big, think bigger. So, as we've been thinking big on the vision of god has for this ministry and we get so excited about it about it. He goes, think bigger because god is an absolute huge god. There's nothing, noone bigger than him because he's the most high god and so, I know there are some things that's already happened to us in this ministry that has seems so unreal and he's done far beyond what we could have asked or thought in the several years we've been a ministry. So, that's what god is doing. So, god is saying, don't limit him when you think think bigger because God does exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think. Okay now I want to get to this prophetic word. This one I heard on October twenty-fourth of twenty twenty-four. So just a few days ago about four days ago. And it's called your enemy's firewall has been breached. Your enemies firewall has been breached. And this is the first paragraph. My children your enemies firewall has been breached. A firewall that protected their most secret plans and crimes they have been they have buried behind these walls. An explosion is about to take place of proof that cannot be denied. Another server has been found by my infiltrators and they have been able to breach these servers and what they have found will tear apart the long-lasting establishment machine running Washington. Secrets to and to blackmail and it is beyond anything anyone could ever have imagined. Presidential crimes, political corruption, so unprecedented, it will completely reset an entire government body on every level and most elections this nation has had over the last 60 plus years. This corruption runs so deep that it would implement almost every political career politician you see before you. My children this information will shake this country like never before. It is much deeper and much darker than anyone could imagine. So prepare yourselves for the bumpy road ahead. As this will all come out in new elections will take place. Your enemies will try and sturdy civil war and unrest. They will try anything as their last ditch efforts to stay in power. But they will not work. Nothing they do is working or will be able to help them move forward. The machine is breaking with no way to repair it. Says the Lord. A major financial scandal among politicians is coming out in the open. A scandal so massive, it will bring major shock waves to this nation. How your tax dollars have been used, how lobbyists control the bills that were passed, and I will show you the corruption attached to every major bill, and who all profited from it. I will also show you the ones who control Wall Street. I will show you insider trading. I will show you proof of money changing hands of foreign spies inside your government and giving it to their their own nations. I will show you all the judges who were paid off for all the indictments. I will show you the blueprints to prove all of them were a lie for a coup to try to keep President Trump away from Washington. I will show that intricate details on how they manipulate the laws to try and find a crime. I will prove this was all a setup. Not only against my David but against this nation to destroy it once and for all. These indictments were meant for more destruction than you think. I will show it all to you and destroy the ones who designed them, saith the lord. My David will be handed more proof of these crimes and who was all involved. How they accomplished what they had so far. A chess piece is about to move, to be played or a chess move is about to be played your enemies will never see coming. The establishment is in over its head. Everything they are doing against my David in this nation, they don't have the power or intelligence to accomplish such plans. That's why all of them will implode before your eyes, says the Lord of hosts. A rover is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. Many things have been hidden in space program is about to come out about to come to the surface. There are things that have been covered up that will be revealed. A high-profile politician will be exposed for child pornography and child trafficking. They will let this person go to protect others in your government. Many things they are hiding with P Diddy and Epstein. They'll not be able to cover up much longer. Every child predator in your capital soon will pay for the crimes for the world to see. The aerospace corporation has been a cover up for federal spending. There is more to this corrupt corp corporation that meets the eye. Everything your enemies were hiding behind will soon all be uncovered. Big Pharma in every company and all their contracts and deals they have made with globalists and the establishment is soon to be completely uncovered. How your government has been a part of many deaths. I told you your White House has actually read. Because it's stripping with the blood of many lives that have been killed for the agenda. Every honeypot and every honey hole your government has is about to be rated by me. Says the Lord. My children brace for the impact and the exposure and truth will bring to their the enemies camps. This is the time to press more into me and my words because this battle's about to take a turn, you don't see yet. If your hearts are fixed on me, you will not be affected by the devastation. Your enemies are about to endure. Their control is over, the rain is over and is coming to an abrupt end. I will always have the final say and I will always have my way. Says the Lord your redeemer. In this prophetic word and what god has been telling us the last several years is that every lie will be revealed. You can find that in Luke 8 seventeen in Luke twelve two. Everything that is hidden will be made known. Our enemies are trying to hide corruption. They're trying to hide crimes. They're trying to hide behind a lie after lie. They're denying anything that they're doing. They're trying to stonewall everything. They are trying to to hold the truth at bay and god has been telling us many different times. They don't have that kind of power and what he said in this prophetic word is our enemies are in over their head. Why? Because they don't have that kind of power and their power is nothing compared to almighty god. There's a scripture I want to get to and it is in Psalm twenty-one and verse eleven. Psalm twenty-one and verse eleven and let's see here. I'm going to pull it up out of the NIV. Psalm twenty-one and verse eleven. I thought I had this one already pulled up. Okay, this is going to be out of the NIV translation. Which is the new the new international version it says though they plot evil against you and divide wicked schemes they cannot succeed so again I'm going to read it Psalm twenty-one verse eleven out of the new international version and it says though the evil plot against you and divides wicked schemes they cannot succeed they're trying to succeed in many things they're trying to do against us right now but god says they're not going to be successful I want to read this out of also the the PSV translation. The ESV translation. Which is the English Standard Version the English Standard Version and it says though they plan evil against you though they devise mischief they will not succeed so if you read different translations of the scripture it should bring encouragement to you that the enemies are trying and they have many evil plots and plans and schemes but god saying right here they will not be successful and that's we cannot be panicked and we cannot be afraid. No matter what the enemies are trying to do, they will not be successful and that's what we need to declare and decree every day. The enemies will not be successful against us because we have the power and the authority of the name of Jesus. We have the blood covenant with god almighty. We have Jehovah Nissi on our side. We have the promise that he always causes us to rise up above our enemies and so want to read another scripture to you and it's Isaiah fifty-four verse fifteen. Isaiah fifty-four verse fifteen and it's out of the GNT translation or the Good News Translation. Isaiah 54 and verse fifteen. The GNT translation or the Good News Translation. Whoever attacks you does it with out my consent. Whoever fights against you will fall. So, if you see these things, if you see these scriptures I'm giving to you. They will not be successful and god says, whoever attacks you does it with my my consent. So, just like what god was saying in twenty twenty, he allowed those things to happen. The reason why he allowed that to happen is because people were asleep and they would not be able to receive the truth that god is pouring out right now. Look at the momentum that is on our side right now. Look at all the people who you never thought were going to turn from the left and they're going to the right. You'll they he just President Trump last night was just at the Madison Square Garden and they were so full. They had people still standing outside. There's over 20, 000 people in that place and there was so many people outside of there. They could not get them all inside. Why? Because people are longing for a freedom. They want our country back. No matter what it is. This is not against Kamala and President Trump. This is against good versus evil. This is against what people are trying to destroy our freedoms, bringing communism, bringing socialism, and trying to tear apart our country from within and more and more people are saying that. They didn't see it in twenty 20. They did not see that. They couldn't see it because they were so full of fear. They were so full of panic and a lot of people were blinded and that's the reason why it's taken all this time and god is saying, look, I brought you all here for such a time as this. He's telling us that our enemies are never going to prosper in anything that they're going to do against us. He says that night in Isaiah fifty-four seventeen. But I also want to reach you Isaiah 5415 because so many people have to know whoever attacks you does it without my consent god is the one who's saying he's in control over all the nations he has to allow certain things to happen but god in the perfect timing of god he will destroy our enemy he says whoever fights against you will fall he's been telling us that we are going to see the fall of our enemies and that's exactly what we are going to see. Let's turn to Isaiah eight Isaiah eight and verse ten. And I will read this out of the AMPC. Isaiah eight in verse ten I don't know if I had a if I have it up under any other translations yet but I might look at another translation for you. It says in Isaiah eight verse ten out of the AMPC it says take counsel together against Judah but it shall come to not speak the world but it will not stand for god is with us and it says Emmanuel Emmanuel means god with us so in this scripture it talks about how to even though the enemy tries to come against god's people or trying to come against the land of Judah it says it's going to come to not. It's going to come to nothing. Why? Because they're reminding themselves that they have Emmanuel. God is with us. Remember, we have god with us. We have Emmanuel. God is with us and if we know that god is with us, who can be against us. If we know god is on our side, then whom should we fear? Because god is El Elion, he's the most high god. There is nothing, noone greater than him. So, no plot planning scheme, no enemy, no government, no type of establishment, and nothing they have on their side is bigger than god and I want to also read this out of the I'm going to read out the CEV. Isaiah eight verse ten. On a CEV. And it says, get together and make plans but you will fail because god is with us. So, that's what god's people were saying against the enemies of almighty god. If you are making plans against us and you will. You're going to make plans but you will fail. If god's people knew that their enemies were never going to be successful, if they knew every plan they were going to do against us would fail, then why would we fear? Why would we panic? Why would we be afraid? We we wouldn't because we know our enemies are going to fail and that's why we can hold our heads up high knowing no matter what the enemy tries to do no matter what they are trying and then plotting behind closed doors everything that is hidden will be made known. God's the alpha the omega. His beginning at the end. He knows what the enemies are going to do before they going to do it. And that's why he always sets up traps to destroy everyone of their plans. So let's keep going. Go to Psalm twenty and verse eight. Psalm twenty and verse eight and this is going to be out of the TPT translation which Psalms twenty and verse eight and if I can find it here. Let's see here. For some reason, I don't have it up here. I can't find the TPT translation. I know I saw it. So on. Let me look it up. Somewhere else. Okay. Cuz I had it here on my notes so I'm going to look at this. Oh it's the Passion Translation. That's why I couldn't find it. Bible Gateway doesn't have it. The past it the Passion Translation it says go ahead. This is I hold on. What did I say? I said Psalms twenty verse eight and I put in Isaiah ten. I'll get it right. Isaiah twenty. I have a whole new setup so I gotta get used to how everything works here so just be patient with me. Alright, Psalm twenty and verse eight are the passion translation and it says, our enemies will not prevail. They will only collapse and perish in defeat. While we will rise up full of courage. So again, that's Psalms twenty and verse eight out of the Passion Translation. Our enemies will prevail. They will only collapse and perish in defeat while we rise up full of courage. That's what god's asking us to do is rise up full of courage right now because our enemies are going to prevail. They're not going to prevail. They are going to fail. We are going to prevail prevail while our enemies fail and they're going to collapse and perish in defeat. Let's read another scripture and this is Jeremiah one10. And this is going to be out of the classic amplified version Jeremiah one ten and it says, see I have a this day appointed you to oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, to overthrow, to build, and to plant which god has given us the scripture many times before he's saying, I have given you a job to do, to overthrow, to root out. He said, and to be the oversight of the nations to to to root out, to pull down, to destroy, and to overthrow. So, we have Something to do. We're supposed to rot out. We're supposed to overthrow. We're supposed to be the oversight of these unruly governments and we're supposed to throw em out. We're supposed to tear out their roots. We're supposed to get rid of them. How do we do that? With the word of god and so god is saying, there is something that we can do about the enemies that we are seeing, about all the corruption, about all the crimes, about what is going on in our governments. We have we have oversight of the nations and again, that's why there's such a lie that's out there right now where god's people don't have anything they could do against it because it's a separation of church and state. The enemy has put that in there. It's a lie for people not to do anything about rogue governments. People that are presidents and kings and all these other people that are against you and they're against god and if you sit there and say, I can't do anything about it then you're literally saying, okay lord, there's nothing you can do about it. We have to allow god back to our government. It's so important to know that if god's not there, then the enemies are there and that's why we gotta root out that evil. That's why remember what Jesus last week, the lord was giving us last week. All that revelation knowledge. Jesus is giving us revelation knowledge so much in the scriptures and when he was giving a lot of analogies and when he was speaking to his disciples, he was giving them instruction. He was showing them what they should be doing. He was giving them example of the power that he had and the power that he was given to them because he said what I have and the works that I have done I will do you will do greater works because I go to my father so we're supposed to do even mightier works than him and as he was showing about the fig tree that was an example remember he spoke to that fig tree and it died from the root out and so we're supposed to speak to the roots of our enemies we're supposed to root them out that means and how we root them out is speaking to their roots to speaking to their or just speaking to all of their their protection, all of their the lies and deception, everyone of their pot plans and schemes. God says, we're supposed to speak to it. God says, we're supposed to destroy it. We're the ones that are supposed to oversight of it. We're the supposed the one who are supposed to wrote it out and so how do we wrote it out? By speaking and declaring the word of god and not giving up no matter what. Okay, let's go to Jeremiah one and verse twelve. Now, this is something that's really important. God says, he's given us oversight of the nations but he says in verse 12. He says and the Lord said to me you have seen well for I am alert and active watching over my word to perform it. That's the reason why in Jeremiah 112 read out of the classic amplified version you need to read this because and you're knowing as you're speaking the words of God. As he's giving us marching orders to have oversight of the nations to root them out to overthrow them to get rid of them We know as we are speaking the words of god, he is overseeing his words. He says, I'm active and alert or watching over my word to perform it. God will perform his words. That's why we speak his words against our situations and not our words. We're not supposed to speak words of discouragement, words of defeat. We're supposed to speak words of faith. Words that are power. Remember, god said in his word, In John 663, his words are spirit and they are life and so when we're speaking the words of god and we're declaring and we're decreeing and it says in Job twelve, if we declare and decree a thing, it shall be established. That's why god has to have us in agreement with him and I'm going to go over at least one more scripture or one or two more and then I'll go back over the prophetic word and this is Psalms 25 and verse twenty out of the NIV Translation or the New International Version. Psalms twenty-five and verse twenty. And it says Guard my life and rescue me. Do not let me be put to shame for I take refuge in God's not going to let us be put to shame because we're seeking refuge in the word of god. We're we're seeking refuge by his power, his authority. We're not trying to devise our own plan. We're not trying to do things by ourself. We're taking refuge in what god is saying what god is doing and we know he's our refuge. We know he's our high tower. We know he's the one who will deliver us. We know he's the one who is higher and greater than anyone who's on this earth and that's why it says in John first John four four, the greater one lives on the inside of you that he that's in the world. We have to realize that he is our refuge. We're taking refuge in him and we will not be put to shame and the reason why a lot of things were happening in this country and happening all around the world is because Christians were not looking to god for that refuge. They weren't looking to him for answers. They were trying to figure out things on their own. Some people just thought this was the way of life and this is how things always have been and that's always and things that always will be and That's not true at all. That's why he keeps giving us that example of the land of Goshen. Now, I want to go to let's see here. I think I've read all of these. Yeah, I have. I think I've read all these. So, I want to go because I have tons of our different scriptures but I want to get to the prophetic word again and I I might go over some more of these in the midst of this prophetic word but I want to go over it for you again in the first paragraph. My children, your enemies firewall has been breached. A firewall that protected their most secret plans and crimes. They are buried behind these walls. An explosion is about to take place of the proof that cannot be denied. And so what we're seeing here in this in this this scripture what goes along with this. This is what reminds me of when I heard this prophetic word and I was going back over it again this morning. In this scripture I've quoted already once or twice this morning. It's Luke eight Luke eight and verse seventeen. For nothing is secret that will not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be made known and come to light. So God is saying they've had these secrets and these plot plans and schemes that are protected behind these firewalls. Protected in these servers. They're protected in all the ways they try to hide these things. The same scriptures in Luke twelve and verse two it says the same similar thing. Why do you think God had to say it twice? Because people have to realize people think that our enemies advise all these plans and they can just do whatever they want and get away with it and god saying twice in Luke's chapter. Loose account. In Luke twelve and verse two, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed. No, anything that will that's hidden that will not be made known. God will make these things known. God will show the world what the enemies have been hiding in secret. So, no matter what the enemies are trying to hide behind their walls of deception and lies, their nudes media, no matter what they're trying to do, god is saying everything that has been hidden will be made known. So, that's what this this first paragraph reminds me of of that scripture of what god is saying here. Second verse or second paragraph. Another server has been found. So, stop right there. God's already talked about one server. Now, he's talking about a whole different one. Another one has been found. By his infiltrators. They they've been able to breach these servers and what they have found will tear apart the long lasting establishment machine running Washington. So there already was one server. And so on this server might have been certain things. But on this other server that he said because remember he said he's infiltrated the infiltrators and he said in this server there is more that has been found. He says, from secrets to blackmail, it's beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined. Here's another thing, presidential crimes. People think just because a president is a president doesn't mean you know like they're they're all good. No. A lot of presidents have committed crimes. Especially when God's been talking about in this next part here about how so many elections have been stolen. So anything that they've ever put to law anything that they have ever billed they've ever passed was unconstitutional. All the crimes they've been trying to hide with the Supreme Court. They're trying to hide with other state and state courts or in federal no matter what it is god saying no matter who they are and what they have done even to presidents he is going to show all their crimes and I believe what President Trump has been talking about is to unavail what they did and to reveal to the world what they did with JFK and how Lyndon B Johnson was a part of that remember he became president because he was vice president and when JFK is killed he became president and he was in on all that so there's been a lot of presidents that have committed crimes beyond anything we could imagine that's why god says presidential crimes he says political corruption so unprecedented, it will completely reset an entire government body on every level and most elections this nation has had over the last 60 plus years. So, think about god said he's going to reset an entire government body. See, that's impossible. Remember what god, look what he did to Pharaoh and all of his men. A lot of people thought that'd be impossible too. God's people thought that was impossible to reset an nation and he did and Egypt was never never again gained back the power that it had with pharaoh and all of his army they were destroyed that day and so god is saying it doesn't matter how big the army is it doesn't matter how big a government is god can reset the entire thing and then he says, this corruption runs so deep that it would implement almost every political career politician you see before you. So, say, well, how are we going to fix something that's happened 60 plus years ago? The laws that have been implemented. All the destruction that those laws created. Whether it be the the enslavement, whether it be financial, doesn't matter what it is. God saying he is going to unravel it. He's going to destroy it and say that's look so impossible. Look at Egypt. Look what he did. Look at the scriptures that he says in his words that he already given to you this morning of what god is capable of doing. There's nothing too big and too hard for god. We cannot put him in a box. We cannot limit him and what he can do to save us. So, My children, this information will shake this country. Why do you think when President Trump want to unseal JFK records, he had people that came up to him that were he said, good people and said, don't do it. Don't do it because of what it can cause in this nation. Don't do it and he listened but this time he's not. They don't want this kind of thing uncovered. Think about all the things that he wants to do with Elon Musk and the finances of this country. Look how much he's uncovered in Twitter and you know there's more. There's so much corruption. They had all these walls of protection but god said all their walls of protection are coming out. They've had the news media to protect them. They've had the Supreme Court to protect him. They've had all these other judges to protect him. They've been hiding behind all these laws that were not just. They were not for our constitution. That's why god says, this entire government body has to be reset. That's why it cannot just take an election. There has to be a political reset that takes place. He said, my children, this information will shake this country like never before. It is much darker or deeper and much darker than anyone could have imagined. So, prepare yourselves for the bumpy road ahead. Remember, he says, it's going to get darker before it gets brighter. So, no matter how dark, it may seem god says there's light in Goshen. It means there's light inside all of us. It means as the world gets darker, we will not be moved and we will not be shaken because our hearts are fixed on god. That's why he keeps telling us to have our hearts fixed on him. He says, as this will all come out in new elections take place. So, you're going to see elections. Yes, we're going to have an election in eight days from today. In 8 days, we're going to have the 20twenty-four election. Do you know up in that time, there's so many prophecies are being fulfilled right now. I just saw on the prophecy fulfilled page on Telegram this morning that they had people in Maricopa County thank god for some people that are actually doing investigation work themselves and they are recording these conversations these poll workers are having and saying yeah there's been fake ballots and the other is stuff there's nothing we really can do about it because we're not police officers we can't uphold the law you see corruption but you're not going to do anything about the corruption you're poll workers you're supposed to keep the integrity of an election and these people need held accountable and god's been saying these things. Remember, god set up traps so no matter how much fraud they try to commit. God allowed last time to happen. He's not going to allow it to happen the same way. But we still have to vote and we still have to pray. We have to pray for all those Christians who are trying to sit this one out. We have to pray that their hearts that they will not be settled until they go and vote and they go they vote the Bible. They don't just sit back the sidelines and say, well, I'm not going to be part of it because I don't like either one. That's not it. You're supposed to vote biblically and if you can't vote a person which you shouldn't be voting in person, you should be voting platform anyway but we had to be upholding what god says and we cannot sit out. This is too high of a price and too important of an election right now is a pivotal point of this country where it'll go down to communism and socialism or it'll be a free nation stronger than ever was before and I believe what god says it's going to be a stronger nation than ever was before. You can see the momentum. You can see the movement that's taking place. God is not going to let our country go to die. He says, this is where the establishment goes to die. You can see the power that they've had over our country. That the power that they've had with the manipulation of the news media, it is all falling apart and more people are awake now than they were last year. They are losing their power. They're losing their narrative. As has been speaking in prophecies over the past several years. He said we were going to come to a time where we are at right now. You can see how all of them, the side of the left, all they're doing is degrading people, they're talking down to people, they are calling names, they're literally, they don't care what they're saying and they're doing to put people down and instead of it working to bring more people to them is actually bringing more people away from them. God said people would be leaving their side in droves and they are. You think about President Trump last night filled Mass and Square Garden Plus out. There was people still out in the the streets. Why? Because there's been there's a movement. People want our nation to be the nation that we always thought it was. It's been a lie for so long. It's been held under a bondage and captivity for so long. And so God has been saying right now. If we because of second Chronicles seven and verse fourteen, if we would humble ourselves and pray, he would heal our land and so he is doing saying to us right now, he said, look, you've humbled yourselves. You're turning from your wicked ways. You are praying. You're declaring. You're decreeing. You're crying out to me. That is sort of powerful word this morning about one of the first things that he said was, he hears the cries of his people. He's been hearing the prayers of his people and he saying. I'm not only heard you but I'm answering them. I'm answering your prayers. I'm in hearing the cries. You've been declaring, decreeing my word. I'm going to answer them because it says in god's word in Isaiah fifty-five eleven, his words do not return to him void god's word is why we give him his word back because his words are not returning void. Our words return to him void but his words do not and that's why I he has had me out here the last several years to get his people to speak his words back to him to declare and decree the right words the thing about victory and not defeat to be encourage that god is still the same god yesterday today and forever and that god does care who's in control of our nations and to get people to realize the church the body of Christ is the one who should be leading the charge it should not be a Government over you. You should be over the government and so that's why god says he's he is letting all these things be exposed Let's keep reading. Nothing they do is working. You can see that plainly. Nothing they are doing is working. He says or will be able to help them move forward. So they think all their plans and schemes are going to help them move forward and be able to steal this election. To be able to steal this nation. And to keep the seat of the presidency. It's not going to work. They are going to fail. Look what all these scripture that the Lord had given me this morning to give to you. They will not be successful in everything they're doing. He says, the machine is breaking with no way to repair it, says the lord. What machine? The establishment. It's falling apart. They're tearing, they're tearing it apart. Why are they tearing it apart? Because they're tearing each other apart because they only want power for themselves. They don't care. They don't care who is against them. Who they don't care who's with them. They just want what they want. And so that's why you see even like with a Biden. And how he's tearing apart Kamala. And he's like he's coming out against her and you have Obama that's coming apart he's coming against his own ethnicity group. He's coming against people of his own color because he's basically tearing them down saying you're not voting for a woman. And so you're not a man. I mean he is so discussing what these people are saying and how they're degrading their own party and I've seen so many Democrats that said that they've been turning to voting for Trump and they said, you know, when I was a Democrat and I was talking about all my stuff and also that I believed but he's like but the but Republicans, I've I've heard many women both says, Republicans were never nasty. But now that I'm voting Republican, he said, you know, and they said, women and men, my party is turning against me. They're calling me all sorts of names. They're being so nasty. Why? They're saying that we're the party that that is nasty. They're saying that we're the party that that cannot accept others. They're actually them that's themselves. They always blame somebody else for what they're doing. So let's keep reading. And it says a major financial scandal among politicians is coming out in the open. So that means it's more than one politician. These are several and it's going to be a major financial scale. A scandal so massive it will bring major shock to this nation. How your tax dollars have been used. First of all we have to realize our tax dollars instead of going so we've been talking about this instead of going to the hurricane victims instead of going to what's been happening in our own country it's been to foreign countries. We keep giving to Afghanistan. We gave to Lebanon at the same time our country had one of the biggest natural disasters ever. They're giving them free money and our people in our country give a loan or get along and some people are even being denied that pathetic $750 loan. They're showing how they don't care. They don't care about us. All they care about is their machine and they keep trying to pay people off because there's people that are threatening to tell the truth. Why? Because they see that they're writing on the wall. Why do you think even Zelensky Zalinski even met with President Trump. Why do you think that he did that? If he didn't think he was going to win this election, he never would have met with him. Then he says, how lobbyists control the bills that were passed. People have been talking for years about pork and all these different bills. Hidden things and all these different bills. Well, lobbyist was part of it. Why do you think when President Trump got into office, he stopped lobbying? Because he knew what they were doing. Well, we'll pay you this if you pass this and put this into that bill. Just sneak that into the bill. And what they were doing was corruption. You're paying people. It's like a bribe. So he's going to talk about what's happened with the lobbyists and the control they had, the bills that were passed. I will show the corruption attached to every major bill and who all profited from it. Then, the next paragraph it says, I will also show you the ones who control Wall Street. So, we know about insider trading. God's mentioned this many different times before. Nancy Pelosi and her husband are one of the biggest people. There's there's a lot of people that are in with the insider trading. So, there's and there's a government that's been controlling Wall Street. They're they're controlling how how the silver is, the dollar is, how the gold is, they're controlling all these different things. Why? To manipulate it for themselves and so that why god says he has to destroy it all. I will show you proof of the money changing hands of foreign spies inside your government and giving it to their own nations. So also you have the corruption of Wall Street and insider trading and then you also have the money that's being traded with foreign governments in our own government. There's a lot guys that follow money, the money trail and as we follow the money, there's been a lot of things that are going to be found because of money. Money is going to be one of the things that's going to implement a lot of people or incriminate a lot of people is how the money has been passed and it's going to be proven. Next paragraph, I will show you all the judges who were paid off for all the indictments. So, we see, look what happened with Nathan Wade. He hid for a long time. All of a sudden, he comes back out. They ask him about what he what why he went to Washington and he says he couldn't remember. He couldn't recollect anything. Well, it's a lie. These indictments are falling apart and we're going to keep continuously. God's been saying, none of these, none of these indictments are going to stand and we're seeing them all fall apart and say, well, what about the Judge Merchant? Just watch. Just watch what god does about it. Remember, Judge Marshon is a judge but god is a judge over all the earth and Psalm 7-5 and verse seven, okay? I said, god says, he's a judge over all the earth. He takes down one, lifts up another. Then he says, I will show you the blueprints and the proof of all of them that were a lie for a coup to try to keep President Trump away from Washington. I will show you the intricate details and how they manipulated the laws to try to find a crime. They had to try to find one. There wasn't one. They had to try to find one and god is saying, he's going to show you the blueprints of who designed this how they tried to manipulate the law to try to find a crime. God's going to show it. I will prove this was all his setup. Not only against my David but against this nation to destroy it once and for all. So people just saying they were doing these indictments against President Trump and they were but they were also doing it against this country. They had other things that were designed. Look at all the look what they're doing to Rudy Giuliani. It's it's just disgusting. How they take There was proof of these women in Atlanta, Georgia. There was, I saw the videos of how they kept rescating ballots over and over and over again. How they took the ballots from underneath that table that were hidden after they had to stop voting. They took those ballots from underneath that table and that's when they started skating all of them. Those two women are suing Rudy Giuliani for everything and as of right now, the judges siding with them and he has to give up everything that he owns. It's corruption on such a major scale. They're suing him for defamation. He should be able to sue them for defamation. He's the one who was telling the truth. He's the one who saw it was proof of a crime and these people are still trying to cover up what happened in 2020 but god says, 2020 was going to come back with vengeance. God's not done with it. He says these indictments were meant for more destruction than you think look what 2020 like the January 6 look at that that indictment they're trying to use against President Trump but do you think how disgusting it was that day how they had people planted inside of that all that crowd to cause what they did we know it now we all know it now the Russian cougios all it it was all a hoax it was all a lie it's all corruption because they didn't want him back in office. These indictments were meant for more destruction than he's saying. I will show it all to you and destroy the ones who designed them. Saith the Lord. So God says he's been showing us indictments. He's going to all the people who are behind these indictments. He's going to show us the architects and all the blueprints. Then he says, my David will be handed more proof of these crimes. So, President Trump is going to be handed all the proof and even more proof of all the stuff they've done against him. And who was all involved? How they accomplished what they had so far? Now look, a chess move is about to be played, your enemies will never see coming. They think they have it all in the bag and they don't. They're also seeing writing on the wall. They don't have this election in the bag, that's for sure. That's why they're terrified. That's why you see some senators and congressman on the side of the left that are agreeing with President Trump and their campaign ads. I couldn't believe my eyes and my ears what I was hearing. They're they're starting to position themselves more of President Trump than they are with Kamala Harris. Why? Because they see the handwriting on the wall. They see they're going to lose. Okay. So let's keep reading. A rover. Now when I first heard this I couldn't understand like a rover. What is a rover? And the only thing I could think of is a rover because then he goes on and talked about the space the space program. I the the like the robot that goes on like you know Mars or goes on the moon or it's that big machine. He says a rover is about to be in the news for a shocking reason. Many things have been hidden in the space program. It's about to come to the surface. There are things that have been covered up that will be revealed. So many things that were hidden in the space programs are going to be revealed. I don't know what's all within there. But God's says he's going to reveal it all. Then he says a high profile politician will be exposed for child pornography and child trafficking. So, we're going to see this person fall and they're going to let this person fall because look what they what they're saying. They will let this person go to protect others in your government. Why? Many things are hiding and the things have been hidden with P Diddy and Epstein. So, there's so many of a high-profile politician. They're going to let this person go to hide other politicians because you know, remember, they have like this inner circle. They have the ones they protect and so they have the ones on the outside. They're fall people and so they're going to let somebody else, they're going to let somebody fall for this P Diddy Epstein stuff. They'll not be able to cover up much longer. Every child predator in your capital will soon pay for their crimes for the world to see. Now, we know that there are high-profile politicians that have gone to Epstein Island and that are part of it and of course, a part of these P Diddy parties and stuff but this goes far beyond even those two people and those two things. This is a society. And God says he's going to reveal it. Now he's again he's talking about space again. I've never heard Thomas space like this before. But the aerospace corporation has been a cover up for federal spending. So again there's a lot of entities that the federal government pours money into. And so he's saying this is one of them. The aerospace corporation. This is something that the the government has poured money into and it's cover up. So, there's things that they're doing and it's been a cover up. He says, there is more to this corporation that meets the eye Everything your enemies were hiding behind will soon all be uncovered. So it doesn't matter what they're hiding behind. Doesn't matter what entity they're hiding behind. All the stuff is going to be uncovered. And that's the scriptures that I gave to you in Luke eight and verse twelve. And then also in Luke twelve. Big Pharma and every company and all their contracts and all their deals that they have made with the globalist and the establishment is soon to be completely uncovered. So, we have a lot of these companies that are in cahoots with big pharma. That's why remember what god talked about was Vanguard and Black Rock and all them, they're connected also with Big Pharma and they're connected with our government. So there's a lot of these companies that are going to have they're going to have to own up for a lot of things that they are doing. He says and then how your government has been a part of many deaths. Remember the elites want to depopulate. They don't want a great population. They don't want us to have our freedoms. They don't want look what look what happened with Pharaoh. What did he also do when he was intimidated by the mass population of the Israelites. He depopulated them. He killed them off. Same thing God said there's nothing new under the sun. I told you your White House is actually red because it's dripping with the blood of many lives that have been killed for their agenda. Every honeypot, every honey hole your government has is about to be raided by me, say it the lord. Remember, they can't hide anything from god. No matter what they use to prop themselves up financially, no matter how many walls they have to protect themselves, there's nothing bigger than god and god says, he's going to raid these things. My children brace for the impact that the exposures and the truth will bring to the enemy's camps. It's going to bring massive impact. He says, this is the time to press more into me in my words because this battle is about to take a turn, you don't see it. If your hearts are fixed on me, you'll not be affected by the devastation your enemies are about to endure. Think of the land of Goshen. That's why god keeps talking about it. Their control is over. The rain is over and it's all coming to an abrupt end. Then he says, I will always have the final say and I will always have my way says the lord your redeemer and the reason why god always has his way is because he's god over all the nations. He's El Elion. He's the most high god. He's El Shaddai. He's a god whom nothing is impossible and so no matter what the enemies are doing, god is saying, it's always going to be his plan. I It's always going to be his way. We may not be able to understand those things and that's why we're supposed to have a harsh fix on him and that's why we're supposed to pray to him and ask him father god, give me that revelation of what I have to know for this very day and this very hour because our saying is that we're trying to lean to our own understanding when god says in his word to lean not into our own understanding. We're supposed to always lean and trust and rely on him and that's why he gives us his word. That's why he's given this revelation because there's things they're going to be so unreal. Remember that scripture that I read to you this morning? It's going to be so unreal. In Psalm one twenty-six and verse one. So 126 and verse one. When the Lord brought back the captives who returned to Zion, we were like those who dreamed, it seemed so unreal. It will seem so unreal what God's going to do. We don't know exactly how he's going to be doing the breaking through. He's promised that he's the God of the breakthrough. We learned that last week. Isn't, it's not our business to know how god's going to do it. We just have to know that god can and that god will. So, I want to pray over all of you today before I go. So, heavenly father right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice and no matter father god, what our enemies are up to and no matter what they try to do against your people, no matter what they're trying to do against our nation, we thank you father god that every plan will fail and they will not be successful in any part they are playing to try to destroy our nation to try to keep us silent to try to destroy the body of Christ and the power that you are pouring out in this very hour toward the body of Christ this very day father god I thank you that you are rising us up above our enemies I thank you father god that they will fail and fall at every turn. We call down every wall there. We're trying to hide themselves behind. We are calling them down like the wall of Jericho and Father God I thank and praise you right now in the name of Jesus that you are perfecting our faith. You are giving us this revelation. You're giving us the strength day after day. We're becoming stronger in the knowledge of your word and your authority and who you are as our enemies we're seeing are growing weaker and weaker by the day. We Call down all form of election fraud and election interference and we thank you father god that you set up traps against our enemy and we thank you father god that they will not be able to do what they did in twenty twenty. We know that you allowed it but we thank you father god that this time that you are moving your hand, that you are healing our land. We thank you for protecting our elections, protecting President Trump, protecting Benjamin Netanyahu, protecting the land of Israel, and father god we thank you that no weapon that they designed it will not prosper against us by the power and the authority of your name as above every name so we thank you father god for pouring out your spirit upon all flesh upon all your sons and daughters and I thank you father god in this time that they receive your wisdom and knowledge understanding like never before that they will receive your power your glory like never before they will have their eyes open to the truth and they will see through your eyes and not our own and father god I thank you that you show each and every one of them how important they are to this very moment in time because you have place us all here for such a time as this and we thank you father god for all you've done in all you're doing in Jesus name amen and amen we'll just encourage you today and again all of these scriptures. No one have you seen on the the screen today but they're also going to be in the description box below for you and if you have any prayer request, just know we you have very powerful prayer team that prays for you every day. We love you. We appreciate all of you. We read your Emails. We read the ones that are sent to us by mail. We read what's been sent to us in the chat. We read over em. We pray over em. We love in each and everyone of you and just know we're seeing so many breakthroughs. We're seeing so many answers of prayer. People with stage four cancer are being healed. There's so much signs and wonders that god is doing in this Earth right now and you are part of it because god loves you and he's no respecter of persons and so you take that healing and you take that restoration and whenever that you have been praying for, you receive it by faith that god is on your side and he will do whatever he said in his word, he will do because he's actively performing actively over over his word. He's acting to perform it. God performs his word. He's faithful to perform his word. So, don't give up hope on anything no matter how long it's been that you've been praying for an answer for. God is going to answer you and because he's the god of the breakthrough and of course, if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, there is a sale going on right now. I think some things are 50% off. So, you can go to Three Sons Threads. com. That's Three Sons Threads. com. Hope it's encouraged today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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