‼️‼️‼️URGENT - Update on the Amendments to the Alberta Bill of Rights‼️‼️‼️

3 months ago

Don't be tricked! Bill 24 is in the Alberta Legislature and is expected to go into the THIRD reading this Thurs, Nov 7th. This is a fact, link to the status below.

The DANGER of this Bill is that it that it is "CHARTIFYING" the Alberta Bill of Rights and adding in a "section 1 clause":

"Reasonable Limits Clause: Establishes that rights and freedoms are subject to reasonable limits prescribed by law, demonstrably justified in a free and democratic Alberta."

Alberta is the ONLY province that has it's own Bill, that has NO limit clause. If they are succesful this Bill will become another tool to facilitate communism - and this is not an inflammatory statement. If the government can "justify" limiting your rights, they will find a reason to limit them and with Bill C-293 sitting in the House this is a danerous combination.

FOLKS WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION NOW! Below are some quick actions you can take NOW to help get the word out as awareness is the first step:

1. SHARE the information!

2. Call MPP Amery and Danielle Smith's office and DEMAND this Bill be rescinded:
Amery's contact:
Legislature Phone403.248.4487 · EmailCalgary.Cross@assembly.ab.ca ...

Smith's contact:
780-427-2251 or email premier@gov.ab.ca.

3. Send in the letter to Smith telling her to KILL this bill: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qlD6x-L58nepNXLCvgVUxTaP5KhgAvdh?usp=sharing


- status of the bill: https://www.assembly.ab.ca/assembly-business/bills/bill?billinfoid=12046&from=bills

- Link to the text of the Bill: https://docs.assembly.ab.ca/LADDAR_files/docs/bills/bill/legislature_31/session_1/20230530_bill-024.pdf

- Link to the ORIGINAL Alberta Bill of Rights: https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/laws/stat/rsa-2000-c-a-14/latest/rsa-2000-c-a-14.html

If you haven't already, please join us on our social channels:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Stand4THEE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stand4thee
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/Stand4THEE

DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice!

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