Jesus is coming for His bride and will everyone else left behind

3 months ago

Jesus is ready to grab His bride before the tribulation begins, only those who are ready will be taken in the rapture, everyone else will be left behind in the antichrist world, lukewarm church crowd! Jesus has enough of you and will leave you all left behind, you have one foot in the world and give God leftovers and He hates it, to the church in laodicea write, I know you're works and you are neither hot or cold but lukewarm! I wish you were one or the other but since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth, you say we are rich we lack for nothing! But fact is you are wretched! Pitiful! Blind! Shameful and naked, come to Me and I will give you salve on your blind eyes so you can see and clothes to cover your nakeness, Jesus hates the lukewarm! They angrier Him a lot, churches now are dead and lukewarm and push God aside, they don't want to offend anyone or preach the gospel, so they don't and accept everyone inside! Including gays, trans, lesbians, drag queens, all the world goes in the dead churches and they do not scare them about hell but oh everything is ok we have to accept everyone! God loves you just as you are, everyone goes to heaven, these churches will taste God judgement and everyone inside will be left behind! God has had enough! Like He told Noah to enter the ark and sent the flood, He will sound the trumpet and grab His bride before the tribulation period begins,

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