Oak Hill Church of Christ 11-3-24 Message: "A Good Act Brings God's Attention"

1 month ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the importance of even the smallest acts done in the service of God.

It's easy to imagine God loving and approving of us when we engage in tremendous feats in God's service. Maybe we throw ourselves into harm's way in order to save a life. Maybe we design a tremendously large monument to Christ. Maybe we paint a beautiful fresco sharing God's majesty with the world that lasts hundreds of years.

What's sometimes difficult to imagine is God loving and approving of us for doing the smallest of deeds with a Godly purpose. A thoughtful gift for a neglected child. A meal for a hungry stomach. A started car for a distressed elderly woman.

The Bible's perspective is that the value of all of those deeds are exactly the same. God doesn't love anyone more because their gesture was more majestic. What God loves is that your love for Him turned into your love for the rest of His children. Jesus teaches that our love for one another is the same as our love for him, and whatever we do for our fellows, we do indeed to Christ himself.

"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another." (1 Peter 4:10) Whatever God has blessed you with, whatever power you have to solve a problem or avert a tragedy, when you use it out of love for God, the Creator of the Universe takes note.

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