HATE TV - PANICKED Joe Scarborough Goes After Trump Supporters' PARENTS In Bizarre MELTDOWN

4 months ago

Posted • November 4, 2024: Welp, Joe Scarborough is having a normal one … guess he's seeing what everyone else is seeing with the election and isn't quite able to deal with it like a rational, normal human being. No no, he thought it would be smart to go on TV and attack Trump supporters AND THEIR PARENTS the day before the election. Smearing tens of millions of Americans. Yeah, Joe, that'll totally convince people not to vote for Trump, dipwad. HATE TV: Joe Scarborough goes on moralizing rant, trashes Trump rally goers: “Who are these people? Where are they coming from? Who raised them?" They’re smearing Trump supporters. Again. "I will ask the question that I think is a fair question to ask, who raised these people? Because they were not raised by anybody in my neighborhoods that I grew up in."

“How did Donald Trump twist their point of view so much in nine years that the brutalization of an 83 year old man is something to laugh about? Or the shooting of press members is an applause line.” Scarborough not only smears Trump supporters as uncouth, brainwashed rubes — he twists the facts into a pretzel in order to do it. All stated with smug, righteous indignation, preening moral superiority and deep-seated contempt. Hate TV. Who raised YOU, Joe? Willing to bet there are more controversies around Joe Scarborough than any Trump supporter attending a rally … just sayin'. HEY NOW, we didn't bring up the story about his assistant so we didn't sink too low. Oh, wait, oops … we did bring up his assistant but HEY, we didn't bring up that some people think he had something to do with her death. Dangit. We should have stopped while we were ahead.

Ahem. Ironic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gbi8PpyXUAAq9J-?format=jpg&name=medium -- Americans are done with the gaslighting and hate from our pals in the legacy media, Joe knows it, and that's why he's really mad. The party's over. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - HATE TV - PANICKED Joe Scarborough Goes After Trump Supporters' PARENTS in Bizarre MELTDOWN

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