people can pay attention when they want to (they just don't want to)

3 months ago

so disappointed in myself regarding those videos hahaha
confidence but w/ skepticism...
i think it's obvious that ag ain't afraid of making a mistake
can you believe that i took piano lessons as a kid
i'm so in awe of actual pianists cos they are very concentrated n coordinated
people can't expect you to be good when playing in the car hahaha
ethel cain is actually pretty good
the internet is just proving how lame everyone is
famous people are extremely compromised
ag ain't willing to compromise certain things
people don't have to understand my unlikeable qualities
most females wanna be liked, not me i guess
those that don't wanna be liked feel the need to be a cunt about absolutely nothin
we will only be a cunt when warranted
i'm not even a cunt on my period (i've been told that by men so it means sumin extra)
so many disgusting images polluting the internet, i didn't need to add to that list
i don't wanna contribute to what all i find reprehensible
maybe i don't wanna create anything beautiful cos this world don't deserve it
making excuses for why my art is bad perhaps
they don't appreciate anything anyway
i don't necessarily think that it has to be beautiful or aesthetically pleasing in order for it to be good art
i couldn't lie if my life depended on it
it used to ail me that i couldn't try harder to fit in (but i tried hard enough damnit)
most people don't wanna admit this but they're jealous
no i won't change my outfit or doll up my language or do as expected
i'm so proud of these people for using their turn signals n i won't ever be able to tell them!
the turn signal gives me hope for america
short n sweet n actually helpful
4-way stops are also filling me w/ hope
i'm sure you already know that we get honked at hahahaha
imma tell myself that that bitch heard me

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