Revelations Is A Homo capensis Playbook

3 months ago

Using the Freemasons, Homo capensis, designed the constitutional republic to show the sheeple who were given their liberty governed by the Freemason-sheepdogs...
Sheeple could very simply be brainwashed and tricked out of that liberty and freedom by the same Freemason, Mystery School cUlt which handed the sheeple their freedoms and rights in the first place.

By controlling the mass media, politics, police, military, education systems, universities, medical services, professions, museums, everything... the non-cUlt-sworn people don't realize that they are being herded like sheep and chattle.

The Experiment: By depending upon the Mystery School cUlt to protect their lifestyle, the sheeple would not be able to direct the direction of their own herd to remain in the green pastures.

But you have to realize that Freemasons are given super-advanced technologies (like their servitude to a rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel and Earth-orbiting satellites) from a very, very ancient species, Homo capensis, that prides itself as being hidden sheepherders.


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