The Final Push From The Deep State Media

3 months ago

The final push from the deep state media for the people that don’t pay attention to go vote. If Trump wins, we get rid of Kamala Harris. But if Kamala wins, they get rid of you. Trump wins, you win. You may get embolden, it may inspire you to be a candidate. In GA if Trump wins a whole nother story in GA.
Liz Chaney and Dick Chaney, the fact that Kamala Harris could go across the country and say that the Chaney’s are supporting her. There was a time that a democrat would not be on the stage with a Chaney.
The real threat is what is being simulated against the American people.
How many people are going to claim they need time off… from the stress. Take a Snowflake Day.
The Cobb County story is moving. There is a battle taking place.
They have run all the simulations. David Becker and Samantha Vinograd and Chris Krebs all on Face the Nation discussing the simulations. There are people that are making money off this election. The concern is double agents. There are people that are acting like they are on our side and they are doing things to make the bad guys look like good guys. You do know you get put on a list if you retweet a fake russian video. They are watching every move you make. Those videos were put out for the hook so they can identify who to isolate if needed. The double agents are the ones that got it out there.
They have done state evacuations when they meet to certify the vote. Police departments are connected to the state and federal government.
Remember Jan 6, who many of you felt there were agents in the crowd whooping people up into a frenzy wearing Trump hats and shirts yelling go in who were actually FBI agents. Guess what? Are you going to let them do it to you again? You have people in your circle that are whooping stuff up in a frenzy that are actually double agents. It is “disinformation”. Do you realize the lessons we learned from 911 and the operational plan they put in place after 911. They cause something, make something happen and they rush in to save us. They monitor us on social media for our own good. They have only changed the threat. The threat environment and we need to have Homeland Security, the same dept that has the border open. The national guard on standby because of what we have learned out of J6, what we learned from J6 is crushing Americans. Trump is the one that is exposing the enemy within everyday. They are using the military against you every day, every single law enforcement has been in a simulation and every emergency management system has been put in place. They have given out grants for all law enforcement to be a part of squashing you. You are being monitored. There is a threat environment, operational plans, scenarios that have been run for years.
Within the shadow of Jan6, would that be the threat environment, operational plans, the money that has been spent. Would that be j6 and the people that looked and talked like us telling us to go in… you have them now. What happens after the election?

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