Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-04-2024

3 months ago

Thank you for watching, today’s reading. This is a special edition daily reading for Monday and Tuesday November 4 and 5 2024 from Acts 21:26 to 22:21. I will be working as an exit pollster on election day, so in this episode of our daily reading and devotional time we cover days 91 and 92 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Paul gets a mob stirred up as they findout that he took Gentiles into the temple, leading to his arrest. Roman soldiers are dispatched to restore order and get to the bottom of the situation, but that is impossible due to the mob members all telling different stories (we find out that Paul is multilingual). With permission of the Roman Garrison commander, Paul addresses the crowd, establishing his Jewish scholarly credentials and then tells his conversion story.

If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com

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