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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z exposes what to expect after the U.S. election, and prophecies about the coming year while sharing the prophetic message from his visit to Noah’s Ark.
He shares his vision of what to expect after the U.S. election, disclosing that manifestations comprising an induced spirit and sabotage demon will assert themselves on the culture. He analyzes what to expect in the political circle after the election, disclosing a rise of the underground church if Trump’s opponent wins the seat of power. Also, he reveals that he sees a tear in the fabric of reality, where there will be a witness of people who will begin to experience the manifestations that will come into the physical realm from the spirit realm.

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Next, Joseph assures us that the spirit of the Lord will go against these entities that want to assert themselves in the natural world. He warns that this spirit of instability seeks to shake things up, leading to power grid issues and solar flares. He insists we’re about to be plunged into darkness and must have strong faith in God to overcome these challenging times. He also warns about what to expect in the coming months, revealing that January will be shaky and saddled with economic talks. However, he assures us that intervention will come if we remain consistent in prayer and faith in God.

Moreover, he shares a snippet of his prophetic visit to Noah’s Ark, revealing God’s message about what’s to come. He assures us that the battle is not over until we win, for the appearance of Noah’s Ark is a powerful sign of God’s preservation, mercy, breakthrough, victory, and a new beginning. Heather observes how the Ark was a means of preservation and protection while unveiling the prophetic message hidden in the year Noah’s Ark resurfaced, coinciding with the creation of Israel as a nation.

Joseph further warns about more induced issues like water crises, power grid failure, cyber-attacks, and solar flares. He insists there will be a judgment against Gates and Soros while cautioning that America must repent as Nineveh did or go through the fire. Nonetheless, Heather urges us to be intentional about what we do during this time, outlining the need to renew our minds in God’s Word. In addition, Allison shares a dream she had which holds some prophetic connotation while they pray for the nation’s redemption and restoration.

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