Songs In The Mountains (FWBC)

3 months ago

Songs In The Mountains Lyrics:

There are songs in the mountains,
There are songs in the vale;
Hearts may sing in the day time,
And when night-shades prevail.

O then sing when the birds sing
Or when storm clouds are low,
For the saints can rejoice while
God His blessings bestows.

So I sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing,
For I’m happy in Jesus,
There’s a song in my soul!

There will come days of sadness,
There may come times of need;
But the Saviour is with me,
He’s my Shepherd indeed.

For He bears all my burdens
And He comforts my heart,
He is here when I need Him,
He will never depart.

So I sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing,
For I’m happy in Jesus,
There’s a song in my soul!

The light songs of the worldlings
Do not last through the night,
And the joy of the sinners
Often changes to fright.

But the heart ease of Eden,
In the soul of God’s own,
Is the gift of our Saviour,
With His Presence made known.

So I sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing,
For I’m happy in Jesus,
There’s a song in my soul!

I’ve a Spirit to comfort,
And to teach and to guide,
I’ve a Father to hear me,
Let whatever betide.

And my High Priest forever
Takes my part at the throne,
So I sing on my journey
For I’m never alone.

So I sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing,
For I’m happy in Jesus,
There’s a song in my soul!

➤ Lyrics & Music: John R. Rice
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church ( [non-copyrighted].

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