Mark Cuban gets a rude awakening when Bill O’Reilly fact checks him to his face.

2 months ago

Billionaire tech mogul Mark Cuban got smacked upside the head live on NewsNation when he dared to point the finger of blame at Donald Trump for America’s economic woes.

After cockily going a full minute left unchallenged to spread false claims, Cuban was met with a Rude awakening when conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly stopped him in his tracks and delivered a brutal fact check to his face.

CUBAN: “Trump inflation was up 25% over the Obama economy he inherited… He had four years to make tariffs work with China. China kicked his ass.”

O’REILLY: “I got to jump in with course corrections here. Number one, the real wages, which is really the only economic barometer for the folks, was up 8.2% in the four years Trump was president. 8.2% across the board for working Americans. Fact. Under Biden-Harris, it is around 1%. No COVID pandemic. They have failed.”

After suffering a devastating defeat, the only response Cuban could compose was telling O’Reilly, “You’re bloviating.”

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