WATCH ON DEMAND! Nov.5,'24: MasterClass on Surviving the Election. Being prepared for any possible Democrat Violence, Post Election Cheating, Assassination Attempts & Frauds typical of Democrats! BE SAFE!

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WATCH ON DEMAND! Nov.5,'24 A MasterClass on Surviving the Election. Being prepared for any possible Democrat Violence, Post Election Cheating, Assassination Attempts & Frauds typical of Democrats! BE SAFE!
President Trump shall prevail!!
George Soros and his son Alex, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, AOC and the Squad, Democrat Violence Groups like Antifa and their FAKE Edition of BLM, the Jan 6 Democrat and FBI Violent Agents and Killers, and their many recruits, are all marching to George Soros and Mochtar Riady ( Barack Obama's Narcotics and Criminal King Pin Step Dad) and peers such as Jeff Bezos, key members of the Rockefeller Family, Mayorkas, Wray and Garland, are all marching to the tune of the BIG MONEY DADDY SOROSBUCKS, planning reportedly to bash, wham, smash and attack, smack and crack at the Republican and anti Kamala MAJORITY, weaponize dummies in Government, and otherwise BLOCK ANY SMOOTH TRANSITION OF GOVERNMENT, with their NEO NAZI PEERS and their Original Nazi Sugar Daddy. He sees his Child Sex Slavery Clubs, all 250 of them including Epstein's five, going bankrupt if he can't keep the Southern Border wide open to sneak in 75,000 kids a year to replace the dead, overdosed and dying children he abuses 8-25 times raped every day and which employed Kamala for several years as MADAM of the San Francisco and Sacramento VGB Sex Clubs LTD Child Sex Slavery Houses, while she was also a high end Call girl, she held the same kind of job as JAILED Ghislaine Maxwell, owner Billionaire George Soros's Sister in Law Daisy Maxwell Soros's niece (in law). The Soros's see their evil, foul, vile $146 Billion a Year Megaprise running out of kids and the possibility of replacement Justice Department Lawyers tearing him and his Deep State Child Sex Slavery Business to SHREDS. It is understandable why he is reacting the way he has been. Meanwhile, the Democrats are acting brain damaged, many of them by the toxicity of Covid Treatment by Vaccine, one might suspect.
They are completely irrational, screaming ad hominems and threats without any evidence, at Trump, as well as at all of the rest of us including Maga, Republican, Middle Roaders, Independents and enlightened Democrats who've realized what kind of a total catastrophe Biden has been, and what kind of a worse Communist Allied (with the Chinese) disaster Kamala represents: literal death to the American Way.
So here in its first generation ever, is an instructive video on what MIGHT HAPPEN so you can prepare yourselves, your family, your friends and your communities, to SURVIVE THE 2024 ELECTION DISASTER that the Democrats are about to try and plaster us all with and who have been noted by Lara Logan, Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity as having shifted from Election Abuses, over to focusing on POST ELECTION ABUSES trying to block Trump from being Inaugurated
Hopefully, on the other side of this event, we'll have a rational President, who can fix some of the damage, and can deal with the aforementioned criminal element, eliminating them from the US and our GOVERNMENT forever after.

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