He-Man vs Vecna - Masters of the Universe X Strangers Things - Unboxing & Review

3 months ago

The second Masters of the Universe Stranger Things Crossover set of figures. Not as good as the the first one, to be honest.

Royalty Free Music from Mixkit
Techno Fest Feel by Alejandro Magana
Piano Horror by Francisco Alvear

#Vecna #strangerthings #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #motuorigins #motuc #motuclassics #masterverse #mastersoftheuniverseorigins #mastersoftheuniverserevelations #mattel #castlegrayskull #motuo #heman #hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse #grayskull #Snakemountain #mastersoftheuniverserevolution

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