RACHEL WRITESIDE BLONDE - EP 129 - Trump and Lincoln 11 1 2024

2 months ago

RACHEL had the pleasure of attending the Trump Rally at Madison Square Garden. This was a historic Rally. Juan has done a show with Rachel and will do many more. He has high regard for her work with the Original George Magazines and Juan himself suggested she take the path that she is now on. Juan owns all of the original issues as well and has made many notes on his GEORGE magazines! That is yet to come! His interview with Rachel is here: https://rumble.com/v4vuv6t-juan-o-savin-numbers-events-and-george-magazine-writeside-blonde-5-17-2024.html
And some important context here: https://rumble.com/v1aon55-juan-o-savin-on-george-magazine-writeside-blonde-6-30-2022.html
Donald Trump has compared himself to Abraham Lincoln many times, and in looking at the detail of each man's presidency, it is easy to see why. The two sought and currently seek to unite the country, in a tumultuously divided time. Will Donald Trump be the president who ends modern day slavery?

For those of you new to "GEORGE," this magazine was the brainchild of JFK Jr in the mid to late 1990s and publishing continued on into the 2000s. The articles within provide access to incredible insights and evidence of astonishing coincidences to current events, which I hope to convey in each episode.

Like and subscribe to be notified when I post a new video. https://youtu.be/GZVGQbyxU5s?si=_XwbFNGy7RtcQtxt Writeside Blonde on YT
I hope you enjoy!
With Permission of Juan O Savin and Rachel.

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