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Elon Musk Satanist
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Elon Musk Satanist
Elyon (Hebrew: 11'7 'Elyon) is an epithet of the God of the Israelites in the Hebrew Bible. 'El 'Elyon is usually rendered in English as "God Most High", and similarly in the Septuagint as ó eós o loTos ("God the highest"). The compound 'El 'Elyon The compound name 'El 'Elyn 'God Most High' occurs in Genesis 14:18-20 as the God whose priest was Melchizedek, king of Salem. The form appears again almost immediately in verse 22, used by Abraham in an oath to the king of Sodom. In this verse the name of God also occurs in apposition to 'El 'Elyon in the Masoretic Text but is absent in the Samaritan version, in the Septuagint translation, and in Symmachus. Which means the Catholics remved the name completely.
Psychologists from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill asked believers to look at hundreds of randomly differing face pairs and pick one from each pair that looked most like how they imagine God. All the selections were then combined into the composite face of the being that created heavens and earth... or is it the man who wants to moves us from earth deeper into the heavens? Turns out, Elon Musk’s face shows up. Interestingly, a "face of God" that looks like Elon Musk means that we seem to think the Creator is a very modern man; clean-shaven and rather youthful looking, unlike the classic images of an old dude with a big beard in the clouds. So this "Face of God" is really just humanity looking at its own reflection rather than evidence that Musk's success as an entrepreneur and marketer is due to his hidden status as an all-powerful creator of the universe.
Elon Musk, or Dark MAGA, has fooled the world into his humane projects which are supposed to help us, but in return it will be a trojan horse. The elite gave us two choices as they always do. Choose Elon or the Word Economic Forum. Elon Musk is the grandson of a jewish-canadian leader of the technocracy movement, openly backed by masons and the Rockefellers. Elon Musk appears to be a child of the Illuminati, bred to present the Mark of the Beast. Elon Musk’s Jewish grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s and was brought to trial after Technocracy was banned and Elon’s grandfather was arrested. Joshua Haldeman fathered Elon's mother Maye Haldeman and her twin sister Kaye in 1948 after marrying his second wife (he had 5 total children). Joshua Haldeman took his entire family on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. Historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis. Having lived in South Africa during her youth, Maye Haldeman was allegedly into African secret societies and witchcraft. Maye was allegedly connected to CIA mind-control subject Charles Manson and the Manson crime family. Given Elon Musk's fame, it's noteworthy to mention Google and Microsoft's (Bing) complete omission of key phrases such as Maye Haldeman, Maye Musk, etc. clear digital “white washing”. Kaye Haldeman allegedly visited Charles Manson in prison, becoming familiar with the crime family by providing TV’s and other luxuries. Kaye's visitations with Manson allegedly led to the impregnation of Kaye with Elon’s sister Tosca. Like George W. Bush's mother (Barbara) being the offspring of Satanist Aleister Crowley, these claims are impossible to verify. Maye Haldeman does appear to be featured in a photo on the original Helter Skelter book.
Transhumanism is a multi-tiered agenda carried out with a full spectrum weapons systems based on “Gain of Function” research. This agenda is devised to create a neural interface, quantum enslave and harvest every man, woman and child in order for the hereditary elite to achieve their “Singularity”. Singularity requires harvesting the brain’s energy and computational power using Magnetic Fields delivered by 5G and the power grid, Photons using infrared/blue/green light (LiFi), Graphene Oxide, and the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA biological malware. This “Neural Chip” uses the Graphene Quantum Dot, or “GQD Particle”, that attaches you to a “Living Matrix” as a “Molecular Biological Machine”, or what the world economic forum wants is a Transhuman!
The Transhumanist’s Quantum Agenda requires the development of a “Collective Consciousness” or “Hive Mind” in the global population to ensure that the NWO’s operation progresses without defiance. You play the starring role while they direct evolution itself in an AI-generated “Game of Natural Selection” where the “survival of the fittest” is a human-to-human eugenics competition. This explains Zuckerberg’s mad dash rush to bring people in the virtual reality world and changing his company name to meta.
Like Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook, the technocrat elites have placed Elon Musk in his position and created all his companies to carry out their microchip transhumanism Al plans and bring in the technologies they want to bring in through the private sector so people accept it easier. If the government came out with a microchip and told people to get it, many would be hesitant because the government is untrustworthy. But if cool Elon Musk "creates" it and releases the tech through a private company called Neurolink, then people will run to get a new Al brain implant, the microchip.
1. Elon Musk's grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930's to the point of being arrested and brought to trial after Technocracy was banned.
2. Technocracy and New World Order one world authoritarian government go hand in hand. Total surveillance
and control is key with no more national sovereignty.
3. Joshua Haldeman took his family (including Maye his daughter, Elon's mom) on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis. That screams illuminati, hidden tech, breakaway civilization.
4. Maye was possibly into African witchcraft, which is plausible given she moved to South Africa (age 2-3) and
lived there for many years of her youth.
5. Former Nazi and head of NASA, Warner von Braun, predicted a man named Elon would conquer Mars in a
1952 novel.
6. Elon Musk never actually built a successful company. His first "company", a website early in the internet that was a digital yellow pages, wasn't built by him. His code didn't work and his dad's friend got investors to fund the website and they hired professional coders who rewrote all Elon's code. Then Elon sold the website to Compaq for $307 million. Compaq shut the website down before even earning a profit. He then built an "online bank" that was failing but then bought by Continuity. That company then took over, renamed it PayPal, sold for $1.5 billion to eBay. Elon made $180 million and bought already existing Tesla with it. He didn't found Tesla. It's like he was almost set up with all these deals and placed there.
7. Elon is currently dating a likely witch, Grimes, who is friends with Azealia Banks, a self-professed seriously practicing witch. I mean like cutting off heads of chickens in rituals serious, look it up. So Elon has two witch connections, Grimes and his mother Maye. The elites are luciferians who practice witchcraft. 8. Tesla has been supported and subsidized by government via tax credits all the way through. "They" assured success. Elon has heavy ties to the military-industrial complex and NASA via SpaceX. NASA is a known occult organization. Check out Jack Parsons and the Collins Elite.
You will find nothing on Google or Bing about Elon and his family history, but Yandex always provides the goods.
His Father:
According to Errol Musk, Elon’s father, “I took my son Elon Musk to a sex party when he was nine”: Tesla CEO's father says his son was in love with Amber Heard and Depp blames him for breakdown of marriage, Grimes is a 'bit of a nutcase' and X Æ A-12 is a weird name in exclusive interview. Tellingly, as I discover in this exclusive interview, Errol's take on his son's progeny is spectacularly relaxed. 'Men trying to spread their seed is natural. I've got about five people who claim they've got my child. Who knows? When Elon was living with me as a boy and I was mixing with the horsey set [Errol owned a stables for thoroughbred showjumpers] you stopped counting the number of women you'd been with after 200. Having 11 children is great. Why not, if you can afford it?' Clearly, the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.
Maye Musk also has a history of Satanic themed outfits and Illuminati symbology. Elon Musk’s mother, Maye Musk, appeared to encourage a form of voter fraud in a post on X. “The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote,” Musk’s mother wrote in the Oct. 5 post. “On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.” Maye wed Errol, a South African engineer she met in high school, in 1970, and the couple had three children. The dietitian said she often wanted to leave the relationship, but “couldn’t do anything because the law wouldn’t allow me to get divorced.” “When my husband was actually going to beat me up at a social event, my friends took me to my mom’s home, and she didn’t know that I was getting beaten up,” she told us. “I didn’t share it with her. I didn’t share it with my friends until they saw it publicly, and after that he wasn’t allowed to beat me.” And apparently, she enjoys a celebrity status in China.
The Nanny claims he opened a portal in his bedroom and was into really dark stuff. Rosemary was Elon Musk's babysitter procured by Mae Musk, Elon's mother. Rosemary recalls statements made by the adults surrounding him saying that he would introduce the world to the Beast someday. Mae was involved with recruiting prisoners from jail to prime them for the end times chaos. Rosemary recalls Mae bringing T.V.'s to the prisoners. Rosemary also remembers Elon inviting her into his room where she saw a portal open up. She then talks about asking “the circle” about this, which is unclear what she means but sounds like the family was involved in some demonic circle group? Whistleblowers, including his former nanny who goes by the moniker @shalomgirl5780 on YouTube, places Haldeman, his grandfather in San Fancisco for many years after his death and working with the C.I.A. mind control programs at Stanford University. His extensive international travel to promote chiropractic medicine is also dubious. It is likely was a cover story for his work for the Pilgrims Society at British MI6 intelligence and its lackies in the C.I.A. and the Tavistock Institute.
It is impossible to think about Elon Musk and wonder how one man has been allowed to operate companies in every corner of the shadow government’s black operations. X is an absolute concern to me, but to many Musk is a free speech hero or a nerd hero, but to me he is a Eugenicist, Technocrat, Transhumanist from the depths of Hell. An investigation into Elon’s family history will give insight into how this one man was gifted with all of these opportunities. CBC Article: Back in the 1930’s, a group called Technocracy Incorporated wanted to reorganize society by putting scientists in charge. The movement flamed out, but its underlying message still appeals to many in Silicon Valley. 1 Elon Musk’s maternal grandfather Joshua Haldeman (1902–1974) was part of the movement. He was a chiropractor and political figure in Canada who later moved to South Africa. 2 Elon Musk’s Chabad Jewish grandfather Joshua Haldeman’s Canadian Technocracy Movement:
Elon Musk appears to be a child of the Illuminati, bred to present the Mark of the Beast. Elon Musk’s Jewish grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s and was brought to trial after Technocracy was banned and Elon’s grandfather was arrested. Joshua Haldeman fathered Elon’s mother Maye Haldeman and her twin sister Kaye in 1948 after marrying his second wife (he had 5 total children). Joshua Haldeman took his entire family on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis. Having lived in South Africa during her youth, Maye Haldeman was allegedly into African secret societies and witchcraft. Maye was allegedly connected to CIA mind-control subject Charles Manson and the Manson crime family. Given Elon Musk’s fame, it’s noteworthy to mention Google and Microsoft’s (Bing) complete omission of key phrases such as Maye Haldeman, Maye Musk, etc. clear digital “white washing”. Kaye Haldeman allegedly visited Charles Manson in prison, becoming familiar with the crime family by providing TV’s and other luxuries. Kaye’s visitations with Manson allegedly led to the impregnation of Kaye with Elon’s sister Tosca. Like George W. Bush’s mother (Barbara) being the offspring of Satanist Aleister Crowley, these claims are impossible to verify. Maye Haldeman does appear to be featured in a photo on the original Helter Skelter book.
To put this entire puzzle together, the missing link or rosetta stone that puts all of the peices together is Elon’s grandfather. Allegedly, Joshua Haldeman faked his death (from an alleged plane crash) and worked for decades in San Francisco with the C.I.A. mind control experiments in San Francisco at Stanford University. There is not much proof of this. However, if true, this would place Haldeman, Elon’s granfather in interlocked relationship with Larry Ellison (Oracle “founder”) and his convicted pedophile baby daddy and First Church of Psycho-Science (Oakland, CA) founder Rev. Dr. Hugh Robert “Sinclair” Moore.
And it would place Holdeman deadlocked in the Nixon Cabinet, Kissinger circle, Watergate, Gold, Oil Currency & The Pilgrims Society whom are all intertwined with Elon’s grandfather.
H.R. Haldeman (1926-1993), was a common maternal 10-generation grandson of Elon Musk, and was Nixon’s White House chief of staff. Haldeman helped orchestrate the Pilgrims Society’s takedown of Richard Nixon as U.S. president, led by Henry Kissinger in order to kill the gold standard and institute oil-dollar fiat currency. He was later sent to prison as a slap on the hand, then released just 18 months later.
The Haldeman blood connections emanate from Bern-Zurich Switzerland, closely tied to Klaus Schwab and Anthony Fauci. Haldeman’s bio says “During the war, Dr. Haldeman was so busy with his political and economic research that he had little time for his practice and lived at the YMCA.” We know now that at that time, the YMCA was being used by British and American Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker ocultists to support Russian Bolshevism, to push forward communism in China through Mao Tse-tung, and organize the United Nations. Given his strenuous political activity, he was most certainly interlocked with the British Pilgrims Society and its pagan Babylonian Rādhānite drive for world domination.
Sir Frederick Haldiman (1718-1791). Elon Musk’s maternal 8th-generation great uncle, brother of Jacob Haldeman, Elon Musk’s 8th-generation grandfather. Governor General of Quebec, British general who attacked at Bunker Hill, spy chief of Alexander Hamilton, Agent No. 7. Oversaw Alexander Hamilton’s founding of America’s first four banks, funded by the British Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker religious cult. Sir Frederick Haldimand, Governor in Chief, Quebec. (Jan. 17, 1783). Proclamation. British Canada. The Social Credit Party he formed helped to form the political landscape in QUEBEC.
Sinclair family ties
Don Sinclair was also part of his Technocracy INC. Elon’s namesake, came from John’s middle name which is Elon. Other members of his family tree can be traced to working with Benjamin Franklin, during the revolutionary war, who betrayed the United States as he was a spy for France. Jacob Haldeman was elected to be a member of the Committee of Public Safety for Rapho Township, Lancaster Cty., PA during the Revolutionary War. Prior to the breakout of hostilities in Pennsylvania with Great Britain, the Committee of Safety was established by the legislature to act as an executive body for providing defenses of the state against invasion and insurrection , for calling up men to arms, and providing them with arms, ammunition, and supplies.
George Ross (later a relative through marriage) was a leading member of this committee upon its formation. Benjamin Franklin was the President and Col. George Ross was the Vice – President of this group. The executive orders of the committee filtered down to the county level and then to the township level. Jacob’s duties were to see that Rapho Township’s quota of men, supplies, and ammunition were met, that the fighting men’s families were provided for, that a civil defense system was set up in case of invasion, and that insurrection of any type in his area was stopped or reported on. In Lancaster County there was a large number of Quakers, Mennonites, and Germans that were opposed to bearing arms and other of British birth that adhered to the British cause.
Haldeman, also known as Haldimann, traced back to Switzerland. E. Haldeman aparently published Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. Here is a lovely quote by E. Haldeman: “Go downtown at noon and rob the other fellows of what they have made during the morning.”; E. Haldeman-Julius. The Haldeman’s also wrote books on Nikola Tesla! Emanuel Haldeman-Julius is best known as the publisher of the Little Blue Books, popular inexpensive paperbacks on a variety of subjects that sold hundreds of millions of copies. For several years he was also the editor of the most prominent socialist newspaper in America, the Appeal to Reason. His wife Marcet Haldeman-Julius was his partner in business as well as family matters. Though best known for their publishing company, headquartered in the little town of Girard in southeast Kansas, the two were also writers, as evidenced by their jointly authored novel Dust, published in 1921.
H.R. Haldeman, Nixon Aide famous for “Haldeman Diaries”. The search for Yost’s replacement finally settled on George H. W. Bush, newly defeated Congressman from Texas who was looking for a higher profile job to further his political career. Bush lobbied hard for the UN job, but was initially offered only a White House staff position by Haldeman. Bush and Haldeman then went to see Nixon and, in Haldeman’s words, Bush “made such a good pitch to the P[resident] about what he would like to do at the UN in the way of really being an advocate for the P, not only at UN , but in overall New York Community, that P. decided this was in fact a better use of Bush than having him in the White House. Bush took charge in New York in February 1971 and one of his first tasks, according to Haldeman, was “to clean out the UN office, ” firing all political appointees that were not with the President before the election.
Their goal was to get China into the United Nations, to develop their technology and ideology. On August 2, Rogers announced the dual representation initiative and U.S. diplomats in New York and worldwide lobbied hard for the concept, but it was a lost cause. To make matters worse, Kissinger was going to be in China again arranging for the President’s visit just as the Chinese representation vote took place. Rogers felt, to use Haldeman blunt words, “it would louse up the UN debate.” On October 25, the important question vote to admit Beijing lost by a narrow margin and U.S. efforts to make expulsion of Taiwan an important question also failed. As Bush reported, the “bandwagon psychology set in the Albanian Resolution passed overwhelmingly. The reaction from the right wing that Nixon feared happened immediately. A furious Governor Ronald Reagan of California was on the phone to Nixon at midnight on October 25. Nixon returned Reagan’s call the next morning. Reagan insisted that the President go on television and announce that in the future the United States would not abide by future UN votes. Nixon said he couldn’t do that. Rogers then called Reagan and tried to calm him down, but the governor was not pleased to hear that Rogers had made a statement on the vote that had not called on Congress to cut UN funding.
The Technocracy Inc evolved/joined with and into the Democratic Party. Interesting that Trump shifted Republican and then implemented two of the most important operations in the Technocrats aka Transhumanists history, the neural interface through Warp Speed, and the method of powering the nanotechnology through 5G CovFeFe Solenoids. Not to mention, the fact that he consolidated all of JASON allocated budgets into Elon’s Project X.
Musk’s family has had an interesting history of being in all the right positions where social change is at stake, and it is apparent they do not mind being persecuted for these actions. No doubt Elon is in the position to transform human history in the most profound way yet.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four Very Powerful Billionaires Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg & Marc Andreessen are creating an world where nothing is true & all is spectacle @ WWW or 666. If we are to inquire how we got to a place of radical income inequality, post-truth reality & the looming potential for a 2nd American Civil War, we need look no further than these four of “the biggest wallets,” to paraphrase historian Timothy Snyder, “paying for the most blinding lights.” & I call them the Technocrats, in recognition of the influence of the technocracy movement, founded in the 1930s by Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman. The Technocrats make up a kind of interlocking directorate of Silicon Valley, each investing in or sitting on the boards of the others’ companies. Their Vast ‘CYBER’ & Digital Domain Controls all your personal information; affects how BILLIONS of people live, work, love; & sows online chaos, inciting mob violence & sparking runs on stocks.
Elon Musk is the bloodline. Not only is he bloodline but he is in the very inner circle of the bloodline, brought up and trained for a specific job in the end times that we are now a part of. Two whistleblowers, to my knowledge, have already come forward that have said this of Elon Musk. One is Shalom Girl who was housegirl to the Musks.
Shalom Girl states that when he was a child Elon was called “el elyon” which she says in hebrew means god god most high. She also says “I was told that Elon would lead the great deception”. Maye Musk, Charlie Manson & Rosemary’s Baby She adds “Jesus said be not deceived many would come in my name go ye not after them the time draws near” Shalom Girl once asked one of Maye Musk’s friends if Elon was the antichrist. She replied “No, but he will present the mark and when you see him do that the antichrist will take the stage” I Asked If Elon Musk Was The Antichrist. She says he tried to sacrifice her in the spirit world when he opened the Abyss Elon Musk & Dreams Of Dragons. So according to Shalom Girl, Elon will “lead the Great Deception” and he will “present the mark”. Elon Musk, the Abyss and the Great Deception.
Quite what deception, as there are so many, is unclear and the mark could be the “mark of the beast”.
“1965 Maye Musk named me Rosemary at birth. Remember Rosemary’s Baby? 1978 Maye sends for me to come care for Elon. Elon’s name was El Elyon and Maye called herself Light. Dr Joshua Norman Haldeman, Elon’s grandfather, faked his own death 1974 and was up to no good in U.S.A. labs. They’re the Illuminati and planning world take over. Since I started telling you the truth, my family history is being deleted off the internet,, military records, school records, and the census records say my grandfather never survived ww2 and socked Dr Joshua Norman Haldeman up, Elon Musk’s grandfather. Dr Haldeman was arrested for being a TECHNOCRAT LEADER and kicked out of Canada 1940. #OperationPaperclip, #OperationMockingBird, #OperationMidnightClimax, Jesus Christ saved me.
Jessie Czebotar – The other whistleblower is Jessie Czebotar who was trained to be the successor of the Queen Mother of Darkness, but chose not to accept the role. She has stated that Elon and her were in a core cell group of 3 in the illegal secret experiments organised by Ukrainian Nazi Michael Karkoc, Aquino and Brennan. “There was a core group of boys that I grew up with you know, so I will I will admit that he was one of the three in the core cell groups that I went through with the looking glass’. He also was involved in the Star Wars now projects with us so he went through the same training sessions with you know the Nazi gentlemen [Karkoc] as well as with Aquino and Brennan with me and my training partner. So yeah so there’s there’s high involvement there, you know. Very scientifically minded, it did not surprise me when I found out that he was heading up space force or bringing forward a lot of the prot technology that would it advanced the projects that connect into that spiritual world”.
In 2008, Musk was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. While Musk is determined to have this information removed from the internet, the fact he was once affiliated with the WEF should come as no surprise. Musk shares many of Klaus Schwab’s nefarious goals, including microchipping children and drilling chips into human brains.
Unlike other billionaires and Young Global Leaders, Musk has not appeared at Davos or allowed himself to be photographed with Schwab. Musk supporters claim this is evidence he has since turned his back on the WEF.
But there is plenty of evidence to suggest Musk is still firmly on the inside of the WEF and his front as free-wheeling capitalist technoking is part of a double-agent ruse to manipulate the masses on social media.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX unveils Starshield satellite services for U.S. military
SpaceX is rolling out a new business called Starshield to support U.S. military applications, building upon the company’s existing satellite system.
The latest Elon Musk endeavor expands on Starlink Internet satellite technology for national security uses, to include secure communications and space surveillance payloads, for its largest customer, the Pentagon.
“While Starlink is designed for consumer and commercial use, Starshield is designed for government use,” the company wrote on its website, “with an initial focus on three areas: Earth observation, communications and hosted payloads.”
“Space X’s ongoing work with the Department of Defense and other partners demonstrates our ability to provide in-space and on-ground capability at scale,” the company said.
Starshield will offer satellites with sensing payloads to deliver data directly to the user, provide global communications to government users and build satellite buses to support customer payload missions providing “end-to-end systems” to win big ticket government contracts.
It is a business unit of SpaceX for the creation of purpose-built low-Earth-orbit satellites designed to provide new "disruptive" military space capabilities to U.S. and allied governments. Starshield was adapted from the global communications network Starlink but brings additional capabilities such as target tracking, optical and radio reconnaissance, and early missile warning.
The Starshield program will initially focus on three main areas, namely:
* Earth observation: launching satellites with sensing payloads and delivering processed data directly to the user
* Communications: providing assured global communications to government users with Starshield user equipment
* Hosted payloads: building satellite buses to support the most demanding customer payload missions
Moreover, the system takes advantage of Starlink’s built-in end-to-end user data encryption while adding cryptographic capabilities to host classified payloads and process data securely.
For now, it is unclear what type of satellite design SpaceX will adapt. However, it can be assumed that it’s mimicking V1.5 or V2 Mini’s in terms of size.
That notion is supported by the fact that Starshield satellites are compatible with, and interconnect to, the existing commercial Starlink fleet via optical inter-satellite links (ISL).
Interoperability ensures continuous uptime and makes the overall system more resilient against attacks such as signal jamming – something Starlink has proven to be resilient against in the past.
Lastly, those satellites will likely be transported on board SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket given the current testing stage of its Starship program (the Starship rocket will eventually host the even bigger V2 sats).
The Pentagon, apart from the US Space Force, is another confirmed customer of SpaceX’s Starshield program.
Breadcrumbs about a potential partnership with various American regulatory bodies and the security apparatus at large had been dropped in the past.
SpaceX, in 2022, deployed 8 unknown national security satellites for the US government, which were speculated to be test satellites for Starshield.
An additional 2 satellites, namely v1.5’s, were launched on behalf of the Space Development Agency in April 2023.
What could go wrong?
Well, according to The Verge, SpaceX is reportedly building a network of spy satellites for US intelligence. A classified $1.8 billion contract with the National Reconnaissance Office involving hundreds of satellites with “Earth-imaging capabilities”.
SpaceX’s Starshield unit has had a classified contract with the US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) since 2021 to build a network of “hundreds” of spy satellites for the agency, Reuters reports today, citing unnamed sources “familiar with the program.”
A Wall Street Journal report in February listed a classified $1.8 billion SpaceX contract with a then-unnamed government agency. Now Reuters has attached a name, and that it’s to build a network of “hundreds of satellites bearing Earth-imaging capabilities that can operate as a swarm in low orbits.”
The report didn’t say when the network will be operational or what other companies are involved. It does mention that a US database of space objects lists satellites deployed by SpaceX that the company and government have not acknowledged and cites sources confirming those objects as Starshield prototypes.
SpaceX describes Starshield as a government-focused secure satellite network, and Elon Musk tweeted it “will be owned by the US government and controlled by DoD Space Force.” Last fall, the business unit signed a US Space Force contract to provide satellite communications for the military via Starlink.
According to Reuters, if the NRO contract is a success, it would “significantly advance the ability of the U.S. government and military to quickly spot potential targets almost anywhere on the globe.
While an NRO spokesperson reportedly declined to comment on Reuters findings about SpaceX’s involvement, it confirmed to the outlet that it’s working to develop “the most capable, diverse, and resilient space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance system the world has ever seen.”
Elon turned off Ukraine’s Defenses
SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk reportedly caused a geopolitical crisis last year, when Ukrainian forces—which have relied heavily on the company’s Starlink satellite communications—were on the verge of striking Russian naval vessels off the coast of Crimea with submersible drones. Concerned that the attack would provoke Russia into using nuclear weapons, Musk unilaterally opted to sever the submarines’ satellite connection, throwing a wrench in the entire assault. His response, “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”
What kind of control is this? Imagine if the US military starts to rely too heavily on Elon and he decides to turn them off? That’s power. Too much power for a CEO of space, tunnel boring machines, high speed railways, electric cars, lithium batteries, artificial intelligence, X Twitter media, robots, Neuralink and PayPal. How can one man control the heavens and the earth?
We can only speculate the classified agreement between Elon and the Pentagon, but having access to 6,400 satelites worldwide currently is very concerning. Satellites primarily are for military, science and for entertainment. Science and entertainment are rather benign, but military can be abused.
I imagine that Starlink is the way for the military to receive and transfer information in real time without the use of large antennas and local radio. This is probably the main reason. In the field during war, these satellites can help the military keep track of their soliders and equipment.
And it will be used for spying as I would imagine there are high def cameras fixed on them. Perhaps lasers, too. Not just for weapons but to jam other satellites and anything on the ground.
But Starlink’s ability to download and upload data at high speeds is the main concern. This can be used for robotics or autonomous vehicles which could communicate with servers in real time. Elon plans on having at least 8 billion robots servicing the people in a few short years. The problem is the potential for abuse.
Simply turing off the robots will not be an option as we have seen with cell phones and the permanent battery placement. The problem is if the robots were to receive nefarious communications to do something inhumane, the wireless feed will work anywhere in the world and removing that antenna would be hard to do.
Not only that, but let’s say there is a war on farmers and the government decides to send robots to destroy crops and machinery. They can sneak in and do it all while you are asleep without anything but an excuse.
That’s just one idea of a million how satellites and the potential for abuse can merge. Before Elon, there were around 1,000 satellites total. He is on track to put 40,000 up there by 2050. Maybe earlier.
It’s amazing how quickly SpaceX destroyed NASA and Russia’s space control all within a few short years. Now, SpaceX has no need to any of their technology and it proves a point as to why we have NASA to begin with.
Spying is easy now just with our own cell phones. The government has API access to all of our data thanks to the Patriot Act. But that’s not enough. Satellites and the new Space Force have sealed the American fate of being private.
Elon and his family have crept into the limelight helping our own government build power while making us believe Alon wants to help. His antics, clothing and expressions are all anti-christ and the world is convinced he is a pioneer.
Elon Musk's Plan to Put a Million Earthlings on Mars in 20 Years. SpaceX employees are working on designs for a Martian city, including dome habitats and spacesuits, and researching whether humans can procreate off Earth. Is this literal or spiritual? How many ships would be needed and rocket fuel to take 1 million people off this planet?
I did the math. You need at least 100,000 rockets and millions of tons of fuel. The amount of fuel required for such a massive space mission would far exceed current production and storage capacities. It would take a global effort of all countries to pull their resources to achieve such an endeaver.
I believe it’s a spiritual goal. If so, what does Mars symbolize?
In occult and astrological traditions, Mars is often associated with the following:
* Masculine Energy: Mars is often seen as the embodiment of raw, primal masculine energy. It represents strength, aggression, courage, and the drive to assert oneself.
* War and Conflict: Due to its fiery red color and association with the Roman god of war, Mars is linked to conflict, competition, and the darker side of human nature.
* Passion and Desire: Mars also represents passion, desire, and sexual energy. It drives ambition, motivation, and the pursuit of goals.
* Action and Initiative: Mars is associated with taking action, making decisions, and pursuing one's desires. It represents the energy to initiate and overcome obstacles.
Astrological Significance:
* Ruler of Aries and Scorpio: In astrology, Mars is the traditional ruler of the signs Aries and Scorpio. Aries is associated with new beginnings, assertiveness, and impulsiveness, while Scorpio is linked to intensity, transformation, and sexuality.
* House of the 1st House: Mars is also associated with the 1st house of the horoscope, which represents self-identity, personality, and appearance.
Occult Practices:
* Magical Correspondences: In various occult practices, Mars is associated with the color red, the metal iron, and the day Tuesday. It is often invoked in rituals related to strength, courage, protection, and sexual energy.
* Divination: In some divination systems, the appearance of Mars in a reading can indicate challenges, conflict, or the need for assertive action.
Perhaps he means making Earth into Mars? How can that be accomplished other than mutually assured destruction. With all the above, Mars represents war, bringing in the 1st house after conflict through impulsiveness to transform humanity into a masculin sexual assertive new world. Is this the design of the elite? Does this align with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? According to the Georgia Guidestones, which was created by David Rockefeller, they do want to maintain humanity at 800 million through reproductive control.
Who is Mars?
The Roman god of war is Mars. ALso, the Bible mentions Mars in Acts 17:22-31, where Paul stands on Mars' hill in Athens. The Bible also associates the planet Mars with the deity Nergal, who was transplanted from Assyria to Kutha.
Nergal is primarily known as a Mesopotamian god associated with war, death, and disease. He was a complex figure, sometimes seen as a destructive force and other times as a protector. Here's a breakdown of his key aspects:
God of War and Destruction:
* Warlike Nature: Nergal was often depicted as a fierce warrior, accompanying kings into battle and ensuring victory.
* God of Plague and Pestilence: He was associated with the spread of disease and illness, often seen as a punishment from the gods.
* Lord of the Underworld: Nergal ruled over the underworld, a realm of darkness and death.
Other Aspects:
* God of Fertility: In some contexts, Nergal was also linked to fertility and the cycle of life and death.
* Protective Deity: Despite his destructive nature, he was sometimes invoked for protection and healing.
Cultural Significance:
Nergal's cult was widespread in ancient Mesopotamia and beyond. He was worshiped in various cities, with Cuthah being his primary center. His influence can be seen in later mythologies and religions, particularly in his association with death and the underworld.
Maybe 1 million people are a sacrifice to Nergal? Maybe, but finding the clues to put together what the enemy has planned isn’t easy. Elon is no friend to the human race. Look at his relationships with women and choices. It is said he is masocistic and is a control freak. Starter spouse Justine Musk, Talulah Riley, Claire Boucher Grimes, Amber Heard, Shivon Zilis, Justine Wilson, Natasha Bassett, Jennifer Gwynne and so on. Married three times.
Such sporadic minglings and careless attitude toward commitment shows his true nature. How is he to be trusted with government satellites? How is he to be trusted with anything. really?
By the time people start realizing everything they do is being monitored and regulated by the government, it will be too late. The bloodlines have always been 10 steps ahead of all of us and this is only because they have help of fallen angels. Remember, this world still belongs to Satan. God can only intervene with Christians. And are there any Christians at the top? I can’t find one that isn’t compromised.
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