I Love Thee, My Jesus (FWBC)

4 months ago

I Love Thee, My Jesus Lyrics:

What words can I find to tell Jesus I love Him,
Because He first loved me;
Because of my ransom He paid with such stuff’ring,
Upon the cursed tree.

In the morning, at the noontime,
And when come ev’ning shadows,
I love Thee, my Jesus,
I love Thee, my King.
In rejoicing and in sorrow,
Today and tomorrow
I love Thee, My Saviour and Lord.

O come, let us magnify Jesus together,
For praise becometh Thee;
And blessings about me I owe to my Saviour,
Who all things bought for me.

In the morning, at the noontime,
And when come ev’ning shadows,
I love Thee, my Jesus,
I love Thee, my King.
In rejoicing and in sorrow,
Today and tomorrow
I love Thee, My Saviour and Lord.

May never my praises be slow or be silent,
Nor e’er my love grow dumb.
This sinner is saved and my sins all forgiven,
The Saviour’s work is done.
In the morning, at the noontime,
And when come ev’ning shadows,
I love Thee, my Jesus,
I love Thee, my King.
In rejoicing and in sorrow,
Today and tomorrow
I love Thee, My Saviour and Lord.

O how can I love Thee enough, dear Redeemer,
How e’er repay my Friend?
I’ll spread the glad sound of my praise and my heart love
On ev’ry joyful wind.

In the morning, at the noontime,
And when come ev’ning shadows,
I love Thee, my Jesus,
I love Thee, my King.
In rejoicing and in sorrow,
Today and tomorrow
I love Thee, My Saviour and Lord.

➤ Lyrics & Music: John R. Rice
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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