Gold Hits Record High Price BUT Is SILVER the Buying Opportunity?

3 months ago

Gold has just hit an all-time high of over $2,750 per ounce, shattering predictions and making 2024 a record-breaking year for the precious metal! Join Alan Hibbard as he digs into the latest updates on gold prices and discusses what’s next for this market. With rising inflation and ongoing economic uncertainty, could silver be the most undervalued buying opportunity right now? Discover why silver, with its historically high gold-to-silver ratio, might offer enormous growth potential and how major banks, including UBS and Goldman Sachs, are adjusting their forecasts to keep up with gold’s meteoric rise. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just curious, this video provides vital insights to help you navigate these precious metals in an unpredictable market.

Alan Hibbard first became curious about the world of investing in 2007. He studied business at a university during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, and graduated with an MBA in Finance in 2011. But he felt like the curriculum didn’t address his questions about money, value, and their effects on real people, so he turned to alternative media for answers. That’s where he found Mike Maloney’s YouTube channel and, eventually, the eye-opening series Hidden Secrets of Money. He’s been a freedom-loving scholar of the Austrian school ever since. Alan reached out to Mike in 2019 with an offer to help with research, analysis, and chart-making. They worked closely together for over four years to release Mike’s second book, The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st Century. Now, Alan continues to help us spread our message of free markets, individual liberties, and sound money to the next generation of investors.

Source: GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)

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