TLC Fund For Rescued Kids Care Network

4 months ago

This is geared to appeal to people who wish to donate to the organizations doing the heavy lifting that are in the ICU Guide (updated often) and to recruit the veterans as they know how to work as a team and lead. Part of what does is mentor the kids of their fallen comrades. That has expanded in recent years to include fitness camps I call Boot Camp. Ted Nugent has an outdoor skills camp for youth I call Hoot Camp. Toby Keith's OK Kids Korral foundation still needs support. has a lot of help from Hollywood but they don't have the skills to build ramps and do barn raisers. They just like to use celebrities not ordinary people to raise funds it appears to me. Perhaps that is why O.U.R. designated me a conductor. They knew I would do the hard work. I had no idea what kind of hell would rain down on me when I accepted the duties. The trafficking of drugs, secrets, blackmail and humans is very lucrative and they don't like that President Trump went after the trafficking rings that is international. He froze their assets and that is why they hate Trump plus he knows all their dirt.

Vets 4 Child needs more support. Craig Sawyer is in charge of this organization. He has been on Alex Jones. Many of Jones' guests are currently in DC prison for daring to assemble on January 6, 2021 to protest a fast certification of a clearly compromised election of an unpopular, unworthy and unfit Biden.

Long story short, circle the wagons, support the organizations that you feel compelled to and the doctors can use this to show their patients why they have a tip jar asking for TLC Funds. My organization will be called TLC as in The LORI Company. Learn On Real InCircle. Ferry the truth and help back and forth across the pond (Atlantic) and to Oz (Australia). My husband's big brother has a Finger Lake refuge, we will have one and my husband's big sister's son has safe haven in Australia.

See the ICU Guide to get on the same page. The ICU Guide is embedded at and updates automatically. I also do a ICU Spotlight newsletter and videos.

Send your questions in or send your business info on the submit page of to be included. There is a celebration event in the works. Follow me on LoriAndCompany_ on X .com to stay in the loop and be invited. We're getting to the good part but caution is needed. Private venues are needed to prevent the trouble makers from coming. Invitation only will have to be used at this time.

Custom candles for your fundraiser to help raise money for volunteers to go to the projects and recovery in NC and the rescue operations going on all the USA and world to provide medical, emotional, dental, educational and foster home care for the people rescued. Some do not know their names, speak English nor have any way to get home to where they were kidnapped and trafficked from. This will take a Herculian effort and a lot of prayer, courage and love. Are you are in or are you out?

Blessings to you,

LORI Bella Parrish the bell ringer. All hands on deck!

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