Remember, remember the fifth of November

3 months ago

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Remember remember the fifth of November

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
2th of November 2024 23.10

Remember, remember in this time of November.

Things are changing for good and forever.
Cause the glory of God will cover the Earth.

Remember, remember the fifth of November.

Trump will be set back into the office. With the Holy Spirit and fire. It is not what the evil has desired.

This November will be like no other. He will take back what is rightfully his and what belongs to America.

The globalists thought that they had won, but they hadn't seen the trap and suddenly their power was gone.

Just like the pharos of old as it was foretold.

The bell of freedom is ringing and ringing.

God's people will dance with joy and Thanksgiving.

The whole Earth will rejoice together with America the great despite the anger and hate.

Israel, your sister will dance with victory and glory.
Because Our Father knows the end from the beginning of His story.

No one is able to touch the apple of the eye, Israel and America, because the covenant is unbreakable and unshakable.

Nations of the Earth take note for the Remnants are not many, but few.

They have proclaimed that they will overtake and the Earth it will subdue.

As Adam should have done but Jesus took back what is rightfully His.
Jesus, the Messiah, is the prince of peace.

The wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous.

The evil plot and schemes will be judged because I the Lord will bring justice.

It will be just like in the days of Moses.

The greatest exodus is here and that's why you don't have to fear.

The pillar of fire are in the night and the pillar of the cloud are in the day.
The enemy is trying to catch you but I AM, are in their way.

You see them chasing after you suddenly they will drown because they'll have no clue.

Be of good cheer my little flock the Kingdom of God is given to you because I Your God has had enough.

Everything is weight on the scale. For every male and female.

Choose today on which side you are standing. It is required of you in the hour of demanding.

Luke 12:32
Exodus 13:21
Psalm 7:11
Isaiah 9:6
Prov. 13:22
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Habakkuk 2:14

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