Tracy Abuhl being escorted out of the Election Office

3 months ago

On Oct.28.2024 Tracy Abuhl went into the Island County Elections Office to observe the Ballot count when she was told she had to wear a mask in order to be an observer, that it was their policy. when she refused to wear a mask the office requested officers to come and escort Mrs. Abuhl out of the Elections Office Building.

On Oct.29.2024 There was a Cease-and-Desist order served to the Auditor of Island County name Sheilah Crider who is the one responsible for making such rules up for the Ballot observing room.

On Oct.31.2024 2 days after Sheilah Crider was served the Cease-and-Desist order Mrs. Abuhl came to the Election Office to see if they had removed the mask policy which she had then discovered that they indeed have not removed the policy

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