Censored American Doctor Reports Truth on Gaza (Subtitled) (Better Quality)

4 months ago

The world has born witness to unspeakable horrors committed in the Gaza Strip over the past year. One of the most harrowing testimonies to that process of death, destruction, and misery taking place right now in the Middle East is a courageous hand and upper extremity surgeon from North Carolina.

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, president of the World Surgical Foundation, and past president of the International College of Surgeons has been involved in over 40 life-saving missions in the last 30 years, including during the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in Manhattan, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. None of those experiences compare to what Dr. Perlmutter witnessed in the Gaza Strip. He will be in Upper Manhattan today, from 4-6pm, to talk about what he experienced.

Touring many different locations across the U.S. to tell his story, Dr. Perlmutter has testified to the disproportionate amount of patients he served who were young children. Over 50% of the patients were high-school kids or younger. While on duty during Ramadan, Dr. Perlmutter personally saw two children who were shot not once, but twice with a high-velocity bullet round from an IDF sniper. One of the children’s fathers described his child being pulled out of his hands, being knocked over ten yards away, by such sniper-fire. Dr. Perlmutter has also testified to seeing over 30 miles of trucks struggle to get their way past the Rafah Crossing into the Gaza Strip, where many have been prevented from delivering much needed humanitarian aid.

Dr. Perlmutter, along with many other colleagues who decided to fulfill their Hippocratic Oath in the Gaza Strip, have described it as an open-air prison, no different than a supermax prison in any other region of the world. The crimes they witnessed signal nothing more than a deliberate targeting of innocent children, women and men who have become the unnecessary victims of a genocide.

Regardless of what you may think is happening in the Middle East, of who you think is right or wrong, it is incumbent upon you to hear out these witnesses, not for what they profess to believe, but for what they actually saw take place. The United States is now actively assisting a country which has violated all norms of international law dictating the rules of armed conflict. This threatens the Palestinian people, the Middle East region, and perhaps the entire world, if not put to an end by people's consciences.

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