Serving God in Christ brings Everlasting Life

3 months ago

Paul continues down the path of asking and answering his own questions. Again, this one is rhetorical in nature which provokes us to give serious thought about sin and how sin will impact our lives. Paul argues that we cannot live in continuous sin because of God’s grace. Paul in his letter reminds us that we are all sinners and it is only through God’s grace and following Jesus Christ that we can be set free from sin. Paul argues that we were slaves to sin but in Christ and our choice to follow Christ we have become slaves to righteousness. This righteousness is realized through our choice to follow and live for Christ. Through righteousness we become slaves to God. In reality the choice is a single choice, follow God or stay in the world living in a life of sin and setting yourself up to live separated from God for eternity.

Through our relationship with Christ I find it is refreshing that God provides a path to heaven through Christ as bondservants. As bondservants we serve God willingly to do the work that He has assigned to us. In making the right choice, it will lead to a stronger relationship with Jesus producing the greatest reward in our lives. That reward is living a Godly life everyday serving and reverencing the Lord with faith. Unfortunately, some will not make the choice to serve God and their choice will lead them down a path of self-destruction. This destruction is driven by the decision to live in the world and stay attached to the world.

As true believers we have security in Christ. We are set free from sin through the grace of God and through the act of the cross. In the Old Testament Joshua challenges the Israelites to choose who they will live for (Joshua 24:15) or more importantly who will you serve. This question was posed thousands of years ago and it really does apply to every one of us today whether you are a believer or non-believer. We all have to face the ultimate question of who you are serving. Sadly, this is not the only question that we are faced with. One that is equally important is whom you are serving? Are you serving and living for the world or are you striving for something greater than the world has to offer? Our faith and obedience play critical roles in how we answer these types of questions.

(James 2:14-26) tells us that faith without works is dead which is what Paul agrees with. Having strong faith in Christ requires effort on our part. It requires getting in our word and reading it daily. Staying in prayer and having real and honest conversations with God. This is the type of work we are required to do. It is more than just developing a strong relationship with Christ but it also includes growing that relationship. This is the effort or work both Paul and James teaches. Faith without works is dead and works alone will not get you into the kingdom of heaven.

What fruits are you producing for the kingdom of Heaven? Are you in the game and actively looking for opportunities to represent and serve God? Good fruit is produced when we live the life that God has given to us. We cannot produce the fruit on our own. It takes a strong relationship with Jesus Christ through the process of converting our life from a sinful life to a righteous life in Christ. God will pour the fruit of the Spirit into us so we may share those fruits with others in our everyday life. In planting God’s seeds we will see many trees blossom in a world that has quite honestly grown very dark. Without Christ in our lives the world gets much darker

It is especially important to understand this in today’s environment. We see so much vitriol, anger and distain in society that it clouds our ability to think rationally. To react to issues without over reaction. Satan lives in a place full of confusion and destruction. In order to maintain any sort of sanity we need to recognize and differentiate between the truth and the lies. It is only through God in Jesus that we have a chance to live in peace. To live without the threat of persecution for our beliefs. To live for the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

My prayer is that we will always share Jesus with all those who are lost. My prayer is that through the fruits of the Spirit that we are given to us from God, that we will share the fruit of the word, the fruit of God’s love, the fruit of peace to all. I pray that the lost will find Jesus. That we will represent Jesus through our words and our actions, so that His name will be glorified. I pray against the enemy and his plan to sift souls exposing his tricks and ploys so that we will not lose focus on the Lord Jesus Christ so that more souls would be saved. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray this Amen! Amen!

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