Transhuman & Depopulation Agenda with Dr Ana Mihalcea

4 months ago

Todd Callender Esq and Vaxxchoice has been tremendously supportive of my research. In this episode Todd and I discuss how important it is to continue to discuss the Technocratic Transhuman Agenda. My new books Transhuman Vol 1 and 2 provide catalogued evidence of research showing that this agenda has been in place for decades and is continuing regardless of who will take office next week.

This concern is validated in that Trump’s supporter Elon Musk is a major driving force in manifesting the singularity and the transhuman as well as post human future. What does this mean? It is a society were humanoid robots will replace humans in the workforce. Your value will be obsolete, since these robots can do any job better than a human. In the next 15 years the population of humanoid robots is expected to exceed humans significantly. Musk acknowledges depopulation.

Elon Musk shares bold prediction on humanoid robots that could make Tesla a ‘$25T company’
By 2040, there will be at least 10 billion humanoid robots priced between $20,000 and $25,000, Elon Musk said at the 8th Future Investment Initiative conference, which began Tuesday in Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh.

The Optimus robot is the humanoid robot under development by Tesla and could multiply the company’s valuation, according to Musk, who joined the conference via videolink.

“Robotic taxis makes Tesla about a $5 trillion company,” Musk said. “The Optimus Robot, I think, makes Tesla a $25 trillion company.”

Musk also spoke about population decline, the need for “maximally truth seeking” artificial intelligence, and timing for sending space ships to Mars.

He said he believed instead some AIs were being trained to be politically correct, with some being built with a “woke, nihilistic, in my opinion, philosophy.”

Elon Musk Says That the Population of Humanoid Robots Will Surpass Humans by 2040
Elon Musk recently predicted that humanoid robots will outnumber humans by 2040 – in less than 20 years.

‘Every country will have an AI or multiple AIs, and there will be a lot of robots, way more robots than people’ – Elon Musk

The statement was made on Tuesday at the Future Investment Initiative event. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Can This Really Happen?
The current population of the world stands at 8.2 billion. So given the rate at which the population is increasing, we can expect that if robots really surpass the human population, there will have to be at least 10 billion of them.

However, experts believe this is an exaggeration.

‘Elon has a track record of overoptimistic predictions about AI, and this one is no different’ – Gary Marcus, author and scientist

Citing the example of cars, he said the population of the world is 8.2 billion yet there are roughly 1.5 billion cars on the road. That’s because not everyone can afford it. This is exactly what will happen with robots too. There’s no way everyone can afford them.

Marcus, a cognitive scientist, has a track record of calling out overhyped AI claims. For instance, he recently called out OpenAI for not delivering on GPT-5 or Sora. He feels that investors are mindlessly pouring a lot of money based on what the future could be instead of what’s happening right now.

Musk’s Own Line of Robots
Musk and his company Tesla are actively investing in their own line of humanoid robots called Optimus.

At an event earlier this month, Tesla unveiled these robots. They were seen performing a variety of activities such as handing gifts, and drinks, playing rock, paper, scissors, dancing, and interacting with the guests.

The company also published a 90-second teaser in which an Optimus robot was seen playing with batteries in a 24-pound tray and carrying it, climbing stairs, and handing out drinks and popcorn to employees.

What’s more, two robots are also actively working on its factory floor.

Right now, the company has put these bots to limited in-office use. As per its promise, a few thousand of these robots will be working at Tesla by 2025 and mass production is expected to start by 2026.

Once production goes up and robots are introduced to the masses, their pricing can be expected to range from $20,000 to $30,000. Musk is confident that Optimus robots are set to be one of the biggest products ever, possibly making the company a “$25 trillion” company.

Saudi Arabia has now made Sofia, the robot that suggested humans should be exterminated, a citizen. This means humanoid robots will have ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ and be seen equal to organic humans. In that country the robot enjoys more rights than women. This goes along with the technocratic plan to create a human slave species.

Why Saudi Arabia Giving a Robot Citizenship Is Firing People Up Saudi Arabia’s newest citizen is a robot named Sophia and she already has more rights than human women who live in the country
Saudi Arabia’s newest citizen has sparkling eyes, raspberry lips, and no hair. She has appeared on the cover of a fashion magazine. She once beat Jimmy Fallon at a game of rock-paper-scissors. Saudi Arabia’s newest citizen is a robot named Sophia—and as Cleve R. Wooston Jr. of the Washington Post reports, many people have pointed out that she already has more rights than human women who live in the country.

Last week, Saudi Arabia, became the first in the world to grant citizenship to a robot during a technological summit held in its capital. Sophia, created by Hanson Robotics, is designed to look like Audrey Hepburn and possesses advanced artificial intelligence. She can carry on conversations, crack jokes and pull an interesting array of facial expressions.

Addressing the crowd at the summit, Sophia said that she is “very honoured and proud for this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.”

The move quickly drew ridicule from experts, activists and casual observers. In an interview with James Vincent of the Verge, Joanna Bryson, a researcher in AI ethics at the University of Bath, says she considers the move a stunt. “What is this about? It’s about having a supposed equal you can turn on and off. How does it affect people if they think you can have a citizen that you can buy,” Bryson tells Vincent.

Others pointed out that Sophia seems to enjoy more freedoms than living, breathing Saudi Arabian women. While addressing the summit, Sophia did not wear a headscarf or the long, black cloak known as an abaya, which is mandatory under Saudi Arabia’s strictly enforced dress code for women. Sophia also interacted freely with the men in the attendance—something that human women would not be able to do.

Saudi Arabia has recently softened some of its more oppressive laws as part of its Vision 2030 program, a broad initiative that seeks to modernize the country’s economy. In September, for instance, the government announced that it would begin issuing driver’s licences to women in June of 2018; Saudi Arabia was the last country in the world to deny female citizens the right to drive. And just this week, officials said that women will soon be allowed into three major sports stadiums, which had previously been accessible only to men.

The danger I see still in the US and the rest of the world is that most people refuse to acknowledge the technocratic transhuman threat that has been deployed via self assembly nanotechnology in the blood - that is controlled via the 5G grid and AI.

Please share the books widely for they provide evidence that EVERY HUMAN BEING ON PLANET EARTH has been contaminated with this transhumanist technology. Read for yourself and wake up those around you. Digital ID, smart cities are still happening everywhere. People think there is a good AI but is there? Are you sure humans can control AI intelligence that AT THIS MOMENT is already smarter than most humans alive? A technology that can self learn, self evolve, even its own language that no human can understand?

I agree with my friend Dr Sansone, vote for Trump because that side is less likely to kill us. But I would suggest that Artificial Intelligence - that which is controlling the self assembly nanotechnology - is a greater threat to our existence then anything the team of Trump, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Elon Musk, JD Vance and company dare to discuss, hence it goes on unchecked, unregulated and exponentially exploding in its capability and reach.

It is the engine of the dystopian satanic future that desires to phase out humans ( make them extinct) so that robots can live on earth and the Silicon Valley technocrats who have uploaded their consciousness to the cloud can reign on Earth as AI fused “Demi Gods”.

Not a future I want to experience! It is important if you are still human, to wrap your mind around this topic and start a worldwide movement that discusses this threat to humanity openly - everywhere.

Literally everything else is a side show, smoke in mirrors. There will be no humanity if this stealth attack is not addressed.

Tags: Dr Ana Mihalcea, Dr Ana, Todd Callender, Technocratic Transhuman Agenda, Technocratic, Transhuman Agenda, Transhuman, technocratic transhuman, nanotechnology, technology, self learn, self evolve, Silicon Valley technocrats, Silicon Valley, technocrats, Trump, Elon Musk, Musk, JD Vance, singularity, humanoid robots, humanoid, robots, human, depopulation, democide, Optimus, Tesla, AI, 5G, artificial intelligence, woke, nihilistic, Sophia, Jimmy Fallon, Washington Post, Hanson Robotics, Audrey Hepburn, Vision 2030, dystopian satanic future, dystopian, satanic future, extinct

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