TEXAS IN TROUBLES: Even Ted Cruz Risks To Lose The Senate Seat

3 months ago

WEBSITE https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/
Cruz accuses the Democrats of Voter Fraud, but the State is owned by the Republicans: Governor, Lt Governor, State Secretary, AG, State Legislature and a lot of DAs. Could it be that he is losing because he's not that great? Or if there's Voter Fraud he must sue and bring on evidences in Tribunal.
THE APPALLING WATERBREAK BILL SIGNED BY THE BOSSY REPUBLICANS THAT'S A VOTE-LOSER BILL AND IT IS IMMORAL MOREOVER: As Texas swelters, local rules requiring water breaks for construction workers will soon be nullified. Gov. Greg Abbott approved a law this week that will eliminate city and county ordinances like Austin’s and Dallas’ mandated water breaks. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/
TED CRUZ FEARS FOR HIS SEAT: Texas GOP amplifies voter fraud claims amid tight Senate race https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4966426-texas-republicans-election-fraud-claims/
WINRED SCANDAL: Republican PAC WinRed misleads US consumers into recurring donations. WinRed has been under the lens of attorneys general in four US states for its deceptive marketing tactics. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/7/31/republican-pac-winred-misleads-us-consumers-into-recurring-donations

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