Parashat B'reisheet Genesis 1:1–6:8 (Pt 2)

4 months ago

More nuggets of truth are discovered and explained in part two of this teaching including:
• The Garden of Eden and caring for the earth and what the Bible has to say about sustainable living and being environmentally-minded.
• The origins of the antichrist religion of secular humanism and how this satanic religion has infiltrated all the religions of the world to one degree or another including mainstream Christianity and Judaism.
• The true origins of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul and the consequences it has had upon mainstream, post-Hebraic, Greco-Roman Christianity.
• Guilt and shame as a result of sin and its only cure.
• The first Messianic prophecy in the Bible pointing to Yeshua.
• The genesis of spiritual warfare.
• Paradise lost and regained and man's futile and disastrous, Satan-inspired attempts to regain paradise lost apart from the cross of Yeshua.
• Who did Adam and Eve's children marry?
• A brief discussion on who the nephilim are.

May YHVH bless you as you learn and grow!

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