Psychedelic Cowboys - Once again they are wrong (2003)

3 months ago

Music and lyrics by Mouksa except for Crimson - Guru Ram Das publications and recordings © 1978
All songs recorded at Magnetic Studio, Szigetszentmiklós, Hungary between September 2001 and January 2003.
Track 01, 02, 05: Mastered at Deja Vu Studio, Alsógöd, Hungary
All other tracks: Mastered at Wontation, Budapest, Hungary
Cover art by The Corporation
released December 26, 2023

Mouksa - lead and other vocals, guitar
Papp Erno - synthetiser, vocals, guitar, percussion
Simo Edina - lead and other vocals
Balázs Gergő - violin
Gerdesits Ferenc - drums
Turjánszki György - bass guitar
Fogolyan Krisztofer - flute
Toth János Rudolf - vocal
Felfalusi Renáta - vocal
Kiss Gergo - Dj W - mix

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