Found Footage Project

3 months ago

My found footage compilation about September 11th, religion, government, myths, brainwashing, corporations, censorship, postmodernism and lies that has been banned on pretty much every online platform.

So I put it on Rumble.

I initially made this about three years ago for a college assignment and ended up really liking it 😂🥹🥰


SIDE NOTE: I had an insatiable, at times morbid curiosity as a kid, so much of the real footage I saw in 2001/2002 was from other sources because I didn’t trust the MSM at the time and wanted to know what was really going on.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own this work. It is an assortment of footage I put together for a college assignment!!!

Footage and artists featured:

⦿ Korn - Here to Stay
⦿ Zietgeist, 2007
⦿ Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen
⦿ VILDHJARTA - När De Du Älskar Kommer Tillbaka Från De Döda
⦿ George Carlin, THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM: The Ultimate Authority in any Conflict
⦿ Money, Happiness and Eternal Life - Greed | DW Documentary
⦿ America’s War on Drugs: The CIA’s Project MKUltra | History
⦿ 9/11 The Falling Man Documentary
⦿ Random citizen 9/11 footage

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