05-Mark:Power and Authority on Display

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Back in 1998, before Emma and Madi, before Y2K, before smartphones, SpaceEx, or TikTok, Mrs. Thompson and I stood in front of our High School in Springfield, Oregon, in hopes of seeing the presidential limousine as President Bill Clinton arrived to meet with the families of the victims of a school shooting just days before.

"Why are we so fascinated by those who fill the office of the President of the United States?”

My guess is that we could name many reasons, but what comes to mind is the Power and Authority they possess.

Those who fill this position have immense Power and Authority, not only over the lives of those who reside within the borders of the United States but have power and authority over much of the world.

It is a powerful position, to be sure. But family, my hope is in One whose power and authority dwarfs that of POTUS, that is, in the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the God of gods, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Today, we will catch just a glimpse of Jesus…Power and Authority on Display.

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