I, Chong Sun Wah have Great Faith in TRUMP because He CARES Pt 2

3 months ago

Get President Trump's New Book Today!

Melania Trump


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Do you know what I love about Trump?

He has never been afraid to call out the warmongers who profit from the wars they start.

Steve Beckow: Ask Yourself, Which Candidate is Showing More Love?

Trump is Love. His greatest quality he Cares for All people.


Trump Really CARES

DRAMATIC MOMENT: Trump Suddenly Halts Outdoor Rally In New Mexico Due To Medical Emergency In Crowd


Trump realizes she is having a PANIC ATTACK... What happens next is unbelievable" on YouTube

I wasn't a fan when Trump ran in 2016, still voted my party. But, today I owe him an apology and a big thank you for taking one for all of us 😍


White House Press Release

WASHINGTON D.C., July 15, 2020 -- The White House today announced that President Trump has appointed a staff member to monitor the internet on a 24-hour basis to alert the President of any newly posted YouTube videos by a certain Singaporean Chinese activist. The videos are causing the White House headaches with regard to Middle East policies. The staff member releasing the information would not go into detail but hinted that the video approach was unique and drawing a great deal of attention to controversial global issues that bring into question the White House's relationships with certain individuals that exert a great deal of influence over US foreign policy.


WASHINGTON (AP) — A new White House directive on reducing ties to Israel and Israeli leadership got bad reviews from both ends of the political spectrum on Saturday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reacted to the proposed change by the Trump administration as “overly influenced by policy recommendations in a video by a Chinese activist." The Republicans who control the Senate dismissed it as too extreme and a political loser for conservatives.

Pelosi said she is still hopeful that the administration will reverse course and leave relations as they are with Israel and the leadership. The White House and Pelosi spoke on Friday afternoon.

President Donald Trump also was said to be favoring a twostate solution for the Palestinian issue, another sudden departure from current administration policy. This was yet another major shift in his thinking since his release from Walter Reed Hospital and the report of his avid viewing of a video he had been anticipating.

“We need to reconsider our foreign policy direction. New information!” Trump said Friday on Twitter.

There was also a report that President Trump had broken off contact with a major donor who had been a member of his inner circle. The aides were not authorized to publicly discuss private matters and spoke on condition of anonymity.

There was an unconfirmed report that the President was considering other policy changes and awaiting new information in a substantially similar video from the activist prior to the November 3rd election. No additional clarification was offered by White House staff.


President Donald J Trump gives thumbs up on new video, from October 16, 2020 (J Larma/AP)

By Shane Harris, Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller and Josh Dawsey

Oct. 16, 2020 at 3:15 p.m. EDT

President Donald Trump seemed highly pleased with a new video from a Chinese activist that the President has become quite fond of in recent months. Trump gave the “thumbs up” as he referred to the video saying, “I am very satisfied with this video and the person who appears in it; the content was very helpful. I plan to take up the policy recommendations with my staff after the election.”

Appearing in Miami as Democratic rival Joe Biden held a separate town hall in Philadelphia, Trump also made reference to certain content using the initials “WHD”, but gave no further details. The President has staffed a YouTube surveillance team to alert him to videos with a certain unique video approach by the activist and screens them personally.

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