David Icke

4 months ago

Our reality is a simulation - David Icke
The big picture - Interview at INSPIRED

- The "MIND prison" (prison for the mind)
- The "MIND virus"
- The visible, physical world is a simulation/ a virtual reality - the MATRIX.
- Interpretation of the biblical creation story
- The Nephilim = The "sons of the gods" (the reptilian gods who ruled/ruled the earth until now).
- Speak your truth, it doesn't matter what others think (of you)!
- Buddha quote:The mind that perceives limitations is the limitation. The mind that perceives the "little me" is the "little me".
- Alignment with the TRUE self-identity.


The ending rule of the Ancient Buggy Class – A deeper look at the failing deep state and the Debt Based Monetary chains of control
Global Intel Hub — The financial system is maintained by an Elite few, we’re talking 100 – 300 people as individuals.  If you peel back the layers of funds like Vanguard, Blackrock, and the banks, the shareholders, the final owners list is going to be very very small.  We’re not talking even the 1%ers we’re talking the .00001% ers or as Dr. John Coleman said, The Committee of 300. [x]                                                                                                                                                                                     https://globalintelhub.com/the-deep-underground-state-is-the-ancient-elite-ruling-class-controlling-earth-with-fiat-currency-for-thousands-of-years/

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