The story of redemption Ellen g White audiobook

4 months ago

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The story of redemption Ellen g White audiobook

Cross of Jesus saves This is an amazig book whoch tells the story of planet earth and the struggle between good and evil . Why are humans evil ? Why is ther esuffering ? Why is there so much pain,sadness and lack of ove ? Where does this come from ? The story of redemption Ellen g White audiobook This book reveals the original fo this conflict between good and evil Cross of Jesus saves

Men is lost because one sin gives the outcome out eternal destruction ? What then can men do in this situation ? He has no solution but because of one sin he has to wait for death and then never live again . The story of redemption Elleng White audiobook Because God love sus so much Jesus payed for our sins he payed the price for all sins which is death on the cross . Cross of Jesus saves But believing you are free from ths debt you own to God and you can enter heaven and live forever without no ore tears, no more death, no more pain .

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