U.S. Corporation's DOD Genocide Exposed by Dr. Naomi Wolf's Team (discovery of test results that subcontractor Pfizer tried to hide for 75 years).

2 days ago

The injectable Corona Virus biological weapon has been in development for decades with patents dating back to the 1990's. Many researchers and scientists tried to warn the population that this poison was an attack on the population worldwide. Because we are in a war with genocidal Zionists (fake Nazi Jews), that control the actions of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION's subsidiary private corporations like the Department Of Defense, the war on the population to reduce consumption of resources worldwide is ongoing. Most Americans have been psychologically brainwashed into thinking this poison is a vaccine that is safe and effective. However, the reality is that it is a highly toxic bioweapon that destroys the human immune system and allows cancers and cardiovascular diseases to infect the body. This type of poison accelerates infections and in many cases causes polymer type clotting that slowly clogs the vascular system.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people are dying at a rate faster than they were prior to the rollout of the injectable bioweapon almost 4 years ago.

For the full interview, follow this link:


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