UN Agenda 21: The Real-Life Hunger Games

3 months ago

Thanks to yram8 for identifying the man in this video.

Henry Lamb is the founding Chairman of Sovereignty International (1996), and the founding CEO of the Environmental Conservation Organization (1988). He is publisher of eco-logic Powerhouse, a widely read on-line and print magazine, and he writes a weekly column for WorldNetDaily and other publications. He has attended United Nations meetings around the world, is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops across the country, and is a regular guest on dozens of talk radio programs. He has provided testimony for the U.S. Congress as well as State Legislatures, and is a consultant on U.N. affairs to FOX News. He is author of "The Rise of Global Governance"

Learn more about him here:

VIDEO SOURCE: https://t.me/FallOfTheCabal2/723

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