Seek Ye First The KINGDOM of GOD ( Matthew 6:33📖)

1 month ago

Key Scripture 👇

Matthew 6:33 📖

Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

In my Sunday school days very long time ago, I would come across this verse and never quite grasped it till I got older.. ( everyone will have a different revelation as ought to 😊 when it comes to reading the scriptures)

This is my simple translation of Matthew 6:33 📖, ... turning my eyes fully unto My LORD JESUS CHRIST👑, looking full in HIS Wonderful Face and the things of earth growing strangely dim in the Light of HIS Glory and Grace🌟❤️... then living a life as written in the Book of James 1:27 📖..."Pure and undefiled religion before GOD and the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep one-self unspotted from the world...

I am yet to attain all that👆😊 and what GOD ALMIGHTY has placed on my path but I am striving for that 👑...

May The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY keep us rooted in HIS WORD, LOVE as we continue seeking HIM and HIS Precious KINGDOM 🙏🌟 Blessings 🎁🤗

Video Credit 🎥; (IG)
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