another example of a video that i hate but at the time it was fun

1 month ago

i just did standup @ an actual comedy club but it didn't feel like one
fine thelonious (car), i'll do it this one time
many people do standup cos they like the idea of being a comedian, i am convinced of this
oh hello speed bump
i've always been a crazy person
the world is stupid n we don't vibe
i ain't paranoid for assuming that people are honking at me
we are leaving nashville but this sight is real purty ain't it
i put a buncha healthy shit in a blender
i won't prepare to stop, i refuse!
party on the side of the freeway, why not
that prism is gay cos it's a purple triangle
any comic would acknowledge that funny shit often hits behind the wheel
it figures that i'd dress up for a comedy show n then cut myself outta the video
it might be cathartic but i still hate it
perfect love casteth out fear
i hope He doesn't send me to hell!
there's a profound sense of purpose that i have n it makes me very emotional
if i draw attention to certain things about myself then how can people use it against me
she was right, i am a sagittarius
i've already done the knockin for you
body armor that comes from insulting myself nonstop
it's so hard for me to be social but i have to try
i sat on the floor w/ propaganda (my dinosaur that you will see very shortly)
if i show that i know what are they gonna do
whatever you're fixin to accuse me of i already did all that but thanks!
i saw everything i ever did on repeat
what they call psychosis is where the brilliance comes from
no metals in my bloodstream, instincts
so much metal already, i'm sure
plenty of reasons to not trust em
*i can't believe i just said that shit...15:15
if they valued humility don't chu think that they'd do way better than they've done
just accept the bad parts n you'll get better ones
waffle house is terrible but that's where we are fixin to go
i'd rather kill myself than eat taco bell
propaganda (dinosaur) was speaking thru me *we can do that (i am so silly holy shit)

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