Free Advice: American People can punish bad governments....

4 months ago

Free Advice: Learn the common law and protect your persons.

Hello. I am Alec. I don't want to waste your time, so let's get to the point: I create persons. I teach you to govern the government.

Q: Do you know how to protect people with the Law? _Y or _No.

Q: Is law school worth the cost? _Y or _N.
Yale Law School tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year: around $103,579

Q: Do know how to check your persons and keep your money? _Y or _No.

Law Team One School Membership Bundle Fee: $2530
(David Jose Fundamental Law Bundle $750 + One School Associate $1780)

Contact the Association.
Mission: Teach people words to operate trust tools.
From: Alec.
One PMA. Independent Living Skills. Income Resource Strategy.
Contact Website:

Notice: The government is to be subject to the law, for the law makes the government. 51b.

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