JACOB THE VI - Shelton Bradshaw live from Balboa Pier

4 months ago

I must temporarily step down from Yacht Rock's Captian's chair of sunset to apply my artistic war paint. It's common knowledge I'm a lover, not a fighter. But the girls of my hometown, Owensboro, whom I still consider the most beautiful in the world, taught us young bucks those who run from righteous fighting, deserve no loving and get even less. God bless them--then and now.

Following the Jan 6th FBI frame job, our bribed, blackmailed corporate media framed this young patriot as a terrorist hunting minority children to hack up and barbeque in his cave.
As truth breaks through the deep-state gatekeepers' censorship, I find Jacob Chansley a principled, ambitious truth warrior who courageously put himself at the epicenter of a historical day too many were instantly, lazily, cowardly, astonishingly, and embarrassingly psyop-ed into believing Trump led an "insurrection" with his "peaceful and patriotic words." Presumably Jacob Chansley's Viking horns, weapons of mass destruction indeed, were the tip of the spear on this, the "worst day since 911 or the Civil War." It's tragic how many of you still regurgitate the corporate media's lies of that day like hypnotized clapping trained seals. "Jacob The VI" is a song preview from an upcoming collection called "Dreamin' Time--Shelton live from Balboa Pier." To the Babbit family, Jacob, and other persecuted patriots still lingering in jail from Jan 6th, I hope it says you are heard and loved. Patriots will soon legally, lawfully, peacefully, and patriotically have the jail cells you presently reside inhabited by Pelosi, McConnell, and other big-gun guilty parties of that day--or at least those who receive a merciful life sentence.

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