Nurse on TikTok making disparaging unethical content about pain patients they exposes her misconduct

2 months ago

Wanna know why this disgraceful ‘Nurse' is featured here?... Well, it’s a truly sad and disgusting situation. Instead of being an advocate, she's on TikTok confidently using her platform to make disparaging unethical content about chronic pain patients, patients comment & is now commiting egregious misconduct by incessantly harassing & slandering them because they exposed & called her out on it. Allyson Rodriguez, RN is not only making video content to disparage, chronically, ill, chronic pain, patient and anybody else who is disagreeing with her unethical behavior online as a nurse but she is also actively participating HEAVILY in manic unprofessional slanderous discussions in the comments sections of her– & other’s videos. She’s purposely and publicly discussing specific chronically ill patient content creators medical conditions, inappropriately, and insinuating. They are malingerers with no substance evidence of that at all, based solely on her opinion because they made comments disagreeing with her egregious misconduct as a nurse she was participating in online . Allyson Rodriguez zeroed in on and specifically targeted another chronically ill patient creator & Professional Advocate with sickle cell disease and publicly and blatantly disparaged demeaned and defamed that creator, she inappropriately is actively discussing that creator’s pain medication & pain protocol dosages, her medical history, diagnoses & and insinuated that she is a liar, a malingerer & “drug seeker” with no substantiated evidence to suggest that. In fact that patient creator she is discussing, has been forced to show the public a copy of her sickle cell pain management protocol. Allyson has threatened to abuse her mandated reporter status as a nurse and has actually made a frivolous CPS report on this same creator with sickle cell creator out of pure retaliation and admitted to it in her own words on video and in writing on her social media platform. Because Allyson was caught behaving, egregiously unethical on TikTok publicly. Allyson has also threatened to abuse her position as a nurse to illegally and inappropriately access patient creators, electronic medical records, so she can further slander and disparage these creators online utilizing the information in the illegally obtained medical records, for no other reason other than they are disagreeing with her unethical content & subsequent engagement and predatory behaviors as a nurse. Allyson hasn’t stopped at disparaging and attacking and slandering chronically ill patient creators on TikTok, oh no, she has even made demeaning slanderous content and comments about other healthcare professionals in her field. They have also tried to address her to educate her on how she is destroying her own career and harming entire patient populations. Allyson has double down and triple down on all of these nurses, and other healthcare professionals who have tried to get involved to stop her unethical outrageous behavior on TikTok. And it isn’t just patients and other healthcare professionals that have left comments to her to try to educate her and get her to stop harming the community a CEO of a human rights legislative policy watchdog also made comments and a video addressing Allyson to explain to her how her content and engagement with the patient community is considered to be egregious misconduct predatory, and that she is a danger to the public health system. Allyson attacked that woman made a degrading video attacking the woman’s looks, her age , her intelligence, called her all different kinds of derogatory, names & accused her of just being jealous of Allyson. Allyson is not the only nurse and healthcare professional participating in this egregious unethical conduct on TikTok . There are other healthcare professionals that who are also engaging with her and fueling her madness– these healthcare professionals who are engaging with her and making their own disparaging content and comments online are very well aware that what they are doing is unethical, unprofessional, and disgusting. Some of them seem to be actually getting off on it. One of these healthcare professionals was a member of the chronic pain community & was booted out of the community for his predatory behavior to nearly a dozen of the women in our community & has crossed several boundaries set in place by each one of these people. That specific healthcare professional happens to be male, named Mike a licensed MSW from NY & he is BITTER, and is seeking out any kind of revenge he can possibly think of so he has now infiltrated the CPP HATE group that Allyson is leading. Allyson Rodriguez is extremely harmful and is currently employed as a travel RN currently operating in the California area surrounding Los Angeles. The board of registered nursing in the state of California has been inundated with several reports regarding Allyson.
WANNA SEE THE WHOLE STORY OF WHAT ALLYSON IS DOING TO AN ALREADY MARGINALIZED PATIENT GROUP ONLINE? Search the hashtag: #Fallyson or head to my TikTok page: @Chronically.Janina there’s a playlist highlighting ALL of disgusting behaviors.

#Fallyson #BadNurse #Unethical #misconduct #NursesofTikTok #publichealthnuisance #publichealth #California #NurseAllyson #healthcare #nursinginfluencer #bias #stigma

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