Weaponized Weather & Killer Satellites | The CIA, Dept of Energy & Battelle-PNNL’s Musk/Bezos Con

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Tonight we are doing a deep dive on the who/where/why behind weaponized weather & soft/silent/slow-kill weapons designed by labs contracted through a series of relationships that ultimately points at the CIA…but as far as we all see…it’s business as usual at National Laboratories…what are those?

Dept of Defense and agencies like the CIA ‘love’ the Department of Energy National Laboratories…because effectively all the people that ‘used’ to work at ‘THE CIA’…are now, contracted through a series of relationships beginning with the DoE who contracts Battelle Memorial Institute (a non-profit) to manage the Dept of Energy facilities and National Laboratories…like Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Richland, Washington…home of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL…did you know this was who was contracted to design the SDI (Space Defense Initiative) in the 80s? You might remember this as the Star Wars Missile Defense System popularized by President Reagan. They envisioned ‘mini MEGA-WATT NUCLEAR reactors’ to be deployed in the sky as a defense against incoming nuclear missiles. It’s important to understand the very long history PNNL & DoE have with Satellites as ‘weapons’ or ‘defense system against weapons’…which is to say, they became the foremost experts in Directed Energy ‘Weapons’…whether that was for defense or attack purposes is irrelevant…there is documented evidence that Hanford PNNL was the forerunner in this field…Directed Energy Weapons & mmWave…Millimeter Wave…

What is mmWave?

It is a band with the EHF range that has the ability to ‘pencil beam focus’ on targets with enough energy & the right antenna type. Since many satellite involve Ka/Ku Bands that operate close to or within the mmWave range, it is important to discuss the link between what is only a Broadcast or Communication Satellite…and how it doesn’t take much for them to transition to ‘Directed Energy Weapons’…in fact, modulation, antenna, and power…is the only difference…and ‘intention’ of the operator…now…that’s where ‘trust’ in who is allowed to place these satellites is important.

This is why Elon Musk was ‘created’…to manufacturer consent in this global mmWave satellite grid…masquerading as a Communication Network but that has two other abilities not being disclosed to the public, in my opinion…

Directed Energy Weapons
Weaponized Weather Modification

It’s bizarre to me that 5G issues are never discussed in tandem with Musk…nor is D.E.W and Weather Mod…yet, Musk owns 2/3 of the global satellites that have the ability to change the weather (I will whiteboard how it’s done) and aim mmWave at human target or set fire to objects/places remotely.

The capability is clearly there. The history of intention is there…hence why Musk is cuddling up to Trump after acquiring a major social media platform…this is about getting you to look the other way and cheer on the Devil’s Champion…and he’s not hiding it. Who is the man behind the Musk?

That leads back to the Leon Mafia and their long history in CIA Counterintelligence that began with their surrogate James Jesus Angleton and continues today with people like Musk and Bezos…2 fake CEO’s, manufactured by US Intelligence to run the global satellite grid via their hijacked companies.

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