Jill Stein SURGES Ahead of Harris in SHOCKING Election Poll!

4 months ago

Right, so as we gear up for the US Presidential Election with voters going to the polls on Tuesday, it is in one significant way almost a copy of our General Election here in the UK from July in that never have there been two less inspiring and depressing candidates that one or the other was destined for power.
Where in our case it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that the brylcreemed borefest Keir Starmer was going to take the win, the con job pulled on the British public that he represented change when he intended to deliver anything but, in the US the polls are too tight to call, though I’m sure a great many liberals are wailing into the pumpkin spiced latte’s right now at the sign that things may just be turning Donald Trump’s way and how daft is that from an outside perspective, that a criminal who has literally told you that immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Ohio is still anywhere in the running, let alone pulling ahead?
It’s not like his position on the Middle East is a good one either, when Netanyahu for one, is hoping he wins, but it is Kamala Harris who only has herself to blame for that, by refusing point blank to say she’d cut Israel off, instead pledging to carry on where Biden leaves off.
Headline polls might not imply a huge of damage being done, things very much within margins of error, but a poll of Muslim voters carried out in the US shows exactly why Harris should be worried, because amongst said voting demographic, Jill Stein’s Green Party now leads.
Right, so the thought of America voting a third way, stepping away from both Republicans and Democrats and a consequence in no small part due to the ongoing, never ending funding of the Israeli genocide by the US state, paid for by the US public, when disaster relief funding ends up being hard to come by, yet Israel just needs to shake its baby rattle and spit its dummy and Joe Biden’s administration can’t seem to open the nations check book fast enough.
So it is that Kamala Harris has said things will continue under her tenure in charge and as a result of that, her having a tenure at all looks a lot shakier than it really ought to be. Donald Trump was an awful president who did untold damage to people’s lives, led an insurrection when he wouldn’t accept he lost the last election and now might get voted in again, now having been indicted on multiple counts of criminality and coming out with the most bats**t racist nastiness that has become synonymous with his brand. Harris should be kicking his backside, much like Keir Starmer kicked Rishi Sunak’s, I suppose the difference is that Harris is just more honest with the public about her intentions, because Starmer fed the UK a pack of lies, very much his brand. He of course is now getting punished for that though, having become the most hated British Prime Minister after 100 days in office in British history, having delivered a budget full of more Tory Party style pain and as a result the Tories now lead the polls here in the UK again for the first time in three years.
But the Harris slide in voter intention is by looking at top line figures not immediately obvious, because she and Trump are pretty much neck and neck. No, it takes another poll to really expose damage that headline figures might not actually be reflecting.
This is a poll that has been carried out by the Council of American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, which is the largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation in the US and the results are staggering given where Green Party candidate Dr Jill Stein sits in national polling state by state, getting around 1% of the vote, yet when you consider the number of people who identify as Muslim in the US sits at around 1.34% of the national population, perhaps that is reflective of this polls findings. When you factor the fact that most of these voters tend to vote Democrat, that these are Harris voters on paper, or at least should be, that problem escalates. Now Stein isn’t picking up all of these votes, but she does lead Harris amongst them and if you aren’t aware of this polls well, I happened across it in Turkish media, not US, as this excerpt from Anadolu Agency explains the results:
‘According to the poll, released just days before Election Day, 42.3% of respondents favor Jill Stein, with Harris close behind at 41%, echoing the statistical tie seen in CAIR’s August survey, where both candidates each garnered 29% support.
Angered by the White House aiding the Gaza genocide with arms and support on the international stage, some 9.8% of Muslim voters plan to vote for former President Donald Trump, similar to the 11.2% he received in an August poll, CAIR said.
The poll, done among 1,449 verified Muslim voters on Oct. 30-31, has a 95% confidence interval and a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points, the group added.
Only 5% of respondents said they currently do not plan to vote, while nearly all others say they will cast their ballots.
Edward Ahmed Mitchell, CAIR’s deputy director, highlighted the significance of these results, saying it is unprecedented for a third-party candidate to get substantial support among Muslim voters.
"That goes to show, once again, the significant role that the Gaza genocide concern is playing among American Muslim voters," Mitchell said, referring to the Israel’s 13-month onslaught on the Gaza Strip, killing over 43,000 people, most of them women and children, and injuring over 101,000, and subjecting the strip to a harsh blockade of needed aid.’
Now Harris could have said she’ll turn her back on Israel, but she can’t afford to, such is the issue of politicians being bought and paid for. Here in the UK when Starmer and Sunak went head to head in July, neither would turn their back on Israel, bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as they were. Same goes in the US, Kamala Harris having taking more than half a million dollars from the Israel Lobby according to Code Pink last August, and having likely taken plenty more since. Trump is no different when have you known him to not take money from anyone? But Harris representing the incumbency means this hurts her more and obviously the ongoing news coming out of Israel and Gaza and Lebanon all made possible by US military aid shines this spotlight on her going into the elections and her camp know it.
Despite Trumps renowned racism, some Muslim and Arab groups are considering backing him over Harris and the experience campaigners are finding in WhatsApp Groups and on the doorstep is telling as this Middle East Eye excerpt demonstrates covering the experiences of one such Harris campaign group:
‘But organisers in the group have repeatedly conceded that anger and frustration on the ground is visceral, and convincing Muslim voters to endorse the Democratic nominee is proving difficult, and at times, impossible.
"Unfortunately polls are not looking good and reality on the ground is different," Ahmad Jamal wrote earlier this week.
"We will keep trying and advocating but unfortunately [the] campaign had not done enough to earn the votes of Muslims, progressives, Pakistani and gen Zs. Their unconditional support for Israel will cost them this election. I hope and pray I am wrong but writing is on the wall and [the] electoral map is looking very bleak," Jamal added.’
So is it all over for Harris in reality then?
Well whilst some Muslims are endorsing Trump now, the vast majority won’t touch the racist narcissist for anything, but as those numbers for Jill Stein show, they aren’t necessarily going to back Harris regardless and many are angered upon even being asked and there is a generational aspect to that too, where younger people are turning away from establishment parties and that is being seen in the UK as well, with many turning to our Green Party, which unlike those across Europe, aren’t calling for Stein to step down and give Harris a free run, because that isn’t democracy and would more than likely just disenfranchise Muslim voters rather than switch them on to Harris.
But Trump isn’t the answer to ending matters for the US in Israel either. He’s too close to Netanyahu and he raised tensions in the Middle East with the assassination of Iranian Commander Qassem Solemani, and he literally helped create the conditions that eventually led to October 7th itself, with the so called Abraham Accords, which were a naked attempt to strip Palestinians of the little bit of diplomatic leverage they had, which was normalisation between the state of Israel and the Arab States surrounding Israel, establishing trade deals with Israel with those states and therefore putting them on a more pro Israel footing. This isolated the Occupied Palestinian Territories all the more and emboldened Israel to become even worse, even eye up the land grab that now seems obvious to the world as a possibility.
Whichever way the election goes in the US next week, the issue of Israel is deciding it and if Harris loses it by promising to be continuity Genocide Joe, then she only has herself to blame for that.
Meanwhile the US can certainly at least content itself that it isn’t the only nation who’s politicians are becoming a pariah over Israel to their own people as the UK foreign secretary David Lammy stood up in parliament this week and denied that what was happening in Gaza was a genocide, because apparently not enough people have died yet! Get the details of that story in this video recommendation as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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