20241101 200201 Tux Hissed at by Khaleesi

3 months ago

This is the only video that I have so far with both Tux and Khaleesi. They have met about five times, this only being the second time that they've been within fighting range.

This wasn't planned. I just got outside with Tux when Khaleesi's owner opened the door to let her out. The two of them were together like this for about 10 seconds when I had to decide if I was going to run inside to get my cameraphone to record them together, or if I was going to ensure that they didn't start to mix it up. In a pretty rare move, I quickly went for the phone.
What's here is what happened when I came back out -- so, not their whole interaction, but at least part of it.

When they let Khaleesi out like this they leave their door open so that she can return whenever she wants, which is great for Khaleesi because they can trust her not to wander off too far. The problem is that I know that I can't let Tux out without first checking that their door isn't open, so I usually look through the peephole in the door to see if I can tell that it's open.

This is an issue because every other time that Tux has been out with their door cracked-open, he want to go inside their place. Although one of my neighbors says that that's perfectly fine with her if he goes inside, if Khaleesi is also Khaleesi inside, there's NO telling what's going to happen. Both of them always have unsharpened claws, and although Tux has never been aggressive with other cats, I can't take the chance that something's going to happen. Worse yet, I'm not going to run into their place to stop a fight -- so I just don't let it happen. That is, assuming that my reflexes are fast enough and I realize that the door isn't cracked open. Tux knows enough now that he can push on a door to get inside (if it's not latched, of course), and I'm certain that he would try this with their door.

That being said... well, you can kind of see what happened. Tux realized this and ran into their place while Khaleesi stayed outside (so, not the worst-case scenario), but Tux IMMEDIATELY came back outside when he realized that someone was inside. I'd be surprised if he was in there for more than two seconds -- so, fortunately everything worked out. I'm already very careful, but Tux bolted for their cracked-open door before I could get between him and it.

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