Critical Thinking: Essential to Self Actualize | Dr. Linda Elder (#62)

4 months ago

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-- MY GUEST --

Dr. Linda Elder is an educational psychologist and a prominent authority on critical thinking, she is President of the Foundation for Critical Thinking and Executive Director of the Center for Critical Thinking, the longest running institution on critical thinking in the world. Founded more than 40 years ago, it advances the highest level of scholarship in critical thinking, and is one of the rare few independent think tanks of scholars fostering critical thinking internationally.

Quote: "Critical thinking is essential if we are to get to the root of our problems and develop reasonable solutions. After all, the quality of everything we do is determined by the quality of our thinking."

💡In this conversation Linda introduces us to Critical Thinking as an essential framework to Self Actualization and truth discovery!

â–º About Dr. Linda Elder & the Foundation for Critical Thinking:

Episode originally published: Wed-10/11/21


-- THEMES --

What 'Critical Thinking' means & its criteria:
â–ºIts origins and why it is relevant for each single one
â–ºWhy everybody has the capacity to Critical Thinking and Fairmindedness
â–ºWhy all thinking is logical but mostly not fair-minded
â–ºHow to learn Critical Thinking
â–ºThe state of our society

The Elements of Reasoning:
The 8 basic structures that are always present. All reasoning
â–ºhas a PURPOSE.
â–ºis an attempt to figure something out, to settle some QUESTION, to solve some PROBLEM.
â–ºis based on ASSUMPTIONS
â–ºis done from some POINT OF VIEW.
â–ºis based on DATA, INFORMATION, and EVIDENCE.
â–ºis expressed through, and shaped by, CONCEPTS and THEORIES.
â–ºcontains INFERENCES or INTERPRETATIONS by which we draw
â–ºleads somewhere or has IMPLICATIONS and CONSEQUENCES.

The Intellectual Standards:
â–ºThe attributes to assess the quality of our thinking: Clarity, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, Depth, Breadth, Logicalness, Significance, Fairness, Completeness

The Intellectual Virtues:
â–ºThe ethical traits to orientate oneself towards truth & fair mindedness: Intellectual Humility, Intellectual Courage, Intellectual Empathy, Intellectual Autonomy, Intellectual Integrity, Intellectual Perseverance, Confidence In Reason, Fair mindedness

The Barriers to Critical Thinking:
To break out of egocentric & sociocentric thinking and develop rational reasoning
â–ºWhy the human mind is intrinsically irrational but appears to be rational
â–ºConscious and unconscious processes in the mind
â–ºIrrational human lenses & biases

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions in "Beyond Perception Podcast" are those of the host and/or guest speakers, providing listeners with varied perspectives based on personal experiences. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should think critically about the content before making decisions. Any actions taken by listeners due to the podcast are their own responsibility. The host and producers of "Beyond Perception Podcast" are not liable for decisions made based on the content. Remember, everyone's situation is unique; evaluate your own before making choices.
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#CriticalThinking #LindaElder #FoundationforCriticalThinking

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