Philip Giraldi Former CIA Intelligence Officer

3 months ago

Philip Giraldi (@philipgiraldi) Former CIA Intelligence Officer and Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest

(00:00) Is Israel an Ally of the United States?

(00:45) Israel's Role in the US Invasion of Iraq

(01:05) The Cause of War -> US War on Iran

(03:02) Israeli Interference in US Elections

(03:25) Creating a Pretext to Draw the US into a Future Conflict (Like the Lavon Affair or the False Flag Attack on the USS Liberty)

(04:10) Israeli Espionage on the United States

(04:45) Extensive Israeli Spying on 9/11

(06:00) Israel Steals US Technology; Sells US Military Technology to China

(08:40): US GAO Report: "Israel Conducts the Most Aggressive Espionage Against the United States of Any US Ally."

(09:25) Several Israeli espionage cases have been closed by order of the Justice Department.

From the 2014 National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship”. Nothing changes.

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