Romans 8 Bible Study: Led by the Spirit – Embracing Our Identity as God’s Adopted Children

3 months ago

Romans 8 Bible Study: Led by the Spirit – Embracing Our Identity as God’s Adopted Children

The Unlock the Bible Now ministry provides weekly Sunday Bible Studies to help you understand God's word and unlock the secrets found in the Bible.

Being led by the Spirit of God means following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. It is by the Spirit that we hear the gospel, come under conviction, and realize we are sinners in need of salvation. Once we believe the gospel, we are sealed by that same Spirit and placed into the Body of Christ. The Spirit then bears witness to the fact that we are now an adopted child of God. Let’s examine what is involved with being led by the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit:
1. Is in the words of the gospel
2. Convicts the sinner of their need
3. Places (baptizes) the believer into Christ
4. Quickens or makes alive (eternally) the believer
5. Bears witness we are God’s children
6. Seals us after we believe
7. Is the guarantee of our inheritance

If so be: εἴ περ (i per) - if indeed, since, if after all

That we suffer with: συμπάσχω (soom-pas’-kho) - to suffer or feel pain together
to suffer evils (troubles, persecutions) in the like manner with another

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible

Romans 8:1, Romans 8:9, Galatians 2:20, Romans 8:13, Romans 10:17, Colossians 2:12, 1 Corinthians 12:13, John 6:63, Romans 8:14-16, Ephesians 1:12-14, Romans 8:17, Romans 8:9,

What a glorious truth to be led by the Spirit of God. Next week, Lord willing, we will dive deeper into the sufferings of Christ we endure. For now, understand that being joint heirs with Christ is not conditional upon your daily suffering. We are joint heirs because we ARE participants in His sufferings judicially through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We are identified in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, and we have become adopted children of God. God sealed us to guarantee we belong to Him, bought with a price until the day He comes to carry us home!

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