I'm taking the month off (kind of)

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Latest article for Catholic 365; https://www.catholic365.com/article/43893/remember-to-pray-for-your-deceased-friends-and-family.html
Don't worry, I'm still going to be active on Locals (come join me)! And the audio is here; https://catholicismnewsandwhatever.locals.com/post/6303759/im-taking-the-month-off-kind-of
I also talk about some other stuff. Prepare for a Vince Russo styled...
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Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/102343/charitable-organization-charitable-foundation-kharkiv-v/
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*I meant third Rome. I know people like to treat Constantinople as the second Rome, but that was only true in a political sense.

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