Country living Ellen g White audiobook

2 months ago

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Country living Ellen g White audiobook

Living in the country This is a very important book that teaches that those who live in the country are more happy as they are less in contact with evil and arrogant and unloving people . Less contact with sin and the bustle of the streets . Country living Ellen g White audiobook

Those who live in the country can start a garden and eat their own food . They can survive on their own produce . Living in the country is the best solution , as the cities become more poluted and evil it is much better to be away from where the judgments of God will hit with earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and floods .

When the sunday law is passed, then this is the last warning to move from the cities to the countries . At that time those who will not move to the country will be stuk in the cities and will not be able ot leave ; Country living Ellen g White audiobook Living in the country

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